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Show j j In accepting the Republican nomination for President of the Unitei I States, Charles E. Hughes has condensed in a speech of a little oye j seven thousand words, the policy of the Republican party along line i of foreign relations and domestic problems of every character. ! One might expect just such a speech from Mr. Hughes. Clear-cut decisive, logical, the product of a mind trained to weigh separiKE i each elemeut and argument entering into the construction of our f national questions, and permeating every sentence and declaratio an intensive and comprehensive conception of the real definitic Americanism. hrea Speaking of the policy of the Democratic administration toiWjth Mexico, Mr. Hughes says: "The dealings of the administration of a l Mexico constitute a confused chapter of blunders. We have not h. of J j Mexico. She lies prostrate, impoverished, famine-stricken, overwhc is b with the woes and outrages of internecine strife, the helpless v'mc of a condition ef anarchy which the course of the adminiatr,ens' ! helped only to promote. Sov For ourselves, we have witnessed the murder of our citizensan the destruction of their property. Meanwhile the administration uttefl; failed to perform its obvious duty to secure protection for the lives n i property of our citizens. It is moss unworthy to slur those who hav ! investments iu Mexico in order to escape a condemnation for the non performance of this duty. I STAND FOR THE UNFLINCHING MAIN TAINANCE OF ALL AMERICAN RIGHTS ON LAND AND SEA.' Continuing, Mr. Hughes reviews in detail the dealings of the adminjs ! tration with Mexican affairs, showing up the weak, halting, vacillating ; inconsistent policy which has resulted in Che present condition of affairs woeful for Mexico and humiliating for the United States. Speaking o the Lusitauia and other incidents which brought strained relations witl foreign powers because of the European war, Mr. Hughes says: "Tbi chief function of diplomacy is prevention; but in this OUR DIPLOMACY FAILED, DOUBTLESS BECAUSE OF ITS IMPAIRED CREDIT ANI j THE MANIFEST LACK OF DISPOSITION TO BACK WORDS WIT! ACTION." Here Mr. Hughes has struck the key-note of our entin list of troubles and vexations with foreign powers. A reading of foreigi publications reflects the same opinion. Uncle Sam is cartooned as i weakling, a coward afraid of his shadow too much in love with peaci to defend his rights. "It is a great mistake," said Mr. Hughes, "ti j say that resoluteness in protecting American rights would have led t I war; rather iu that course lay the best assurance of peace. Weaknes and indecision in the maintainance of known rights are always source of great danger." Iu discussing the labor question, the Bpsaker statei i that the party stood "for the conservation of the just interests of labor j protection of the life and health of labor, enactment of federal work men's compensation laws, arbitration of labor disputes, adequate child labor laws, etc. Need of a protective tariff is emphasized ; a rural credi system is favored; increased efficiency in civil service is advocated Woman suffrage is strongly endorsed iu the speech. "Opposition ma-delay, ma-delay, but, in my opinion, cannot defeat this movement," says Mr Hughes. On the subject of adequate preparedness, Mr. Hughes lay-strong lay-strong emphasis. He charges the present administration with delayini ihis important step until compelled to follow the increasing popular demand As a whole, the speech of acceptance is one of the finest an( ' i most logical pieces of literature promulgated by an American statesmai ', i in many years and deserves the careful, unbiased perusal of Americans . regardless of party belief. How any red-blooded American can diges i this masterly discourse on national affairs and fail to support the nomine. of the party which stands ready to "make good" en these utterances i would, indeed, be a mystery. |