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Show .... , ...... .... - - THE BINGHAM NEW& BINGHAM, UTAH " " ) Matt Contralto AUTO TRUCK SERVICE Long or Short Haulage Service you can depend upon Phone 124 Main Street T ' I 1 California Hotel Board and Room STEAM HEAT AND BATHS Italian Cooked Meals JAMES ROLANDO, Prop. MAIN ST. BINGHAM let MRS. NETTIE LBERRY take your orders for ail kinds " of cut flowers and potted flowers. Phone 363m - 215 When in Salt Lake City se-cure your room at the MEWWASATCH BOTE 78 West Broadway, for ac comodations like home. Jack Curnow and Chas. Uren Proprietors j D. Pezzopane Fancy Imported and Domestic Groceries. Foreign Money Or-ders and Drafts Notary Public, Steamship Agt. Banco of Naples Correspondent i j j Banking Headquarters Make our bank your financial headquarters visit 1 us often and consult us freely. 5 If you can dismiss from your mind the fact that our only function is to accept deposits and pay checks, we can greatly increase our value to each other. Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS S. Cates, Tres. Sherman Armstrong 1 st Vice Pres. IL.C. E-- Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietjen, Cashier ' l' I J Strength and Your Foundation i ' a 4 tt tK ttJ Solid foundations are necessary for tall skyscrap ers l or they would fall Men who would succeed must have a Sr safe and sound start or they would fail and go backwards. to Start to succeed by saving NOW at In. . at it i The Central Bank of Bingham ' Bingham, Canyon, Utah I y sr SERVE BREAD " Have you ever Bat down to a table where no Bread r was served? How flat and tasteless the whole meal seemed! Bread is the one food indispensable, and the only food of economy to-da- y. GOOD BREAD is the Bread you eat twice as much of because it's so delicious. Fresh every hour. ' STANDARD BREAD CO. 536 Main St., Phone 187 BINGHAM CANYON a 1 LARK RERCAHTiUE w Im in U th . I m ' General Merchandise k Fresh and Cured Meats V. t Lark, Utah 5 Jerome BOURGARD The Old Time Meat Market at the old Stand where you can always rely on getting the BEST of MEATS, FISH and FOWL-- PHONE 5 v ALWAYS THE BEST TZIZ--Z WALNUT CAFE i t ) "A Little Better Than Good Enough" it Private Tables for Ladies tl East Second South St. Salt Lake City, Phone Was. 10254 - John A. Warmack CANDIES & CONFECTIONERY Fountain Goods of All Kinds Evcrjlhlg in the Tobacco Line, We came West to take a Chance BROADWAY at West Temple 80 West 3rd So. St. J Thonc Was. 81.11 Salt Lake City jjjjj JACK'S PLACE G. M. Gregory, Prop. We Serve the Best of Everything Soft Drinks and Eats Phone Wasatch 2881 Study Our Ads 77 West 2nd South St. Salt Lake City in the county with the excep-tion of Lark is well looked af-ter? That if every man in Bing-ham who had the, spare time and as much civic pride as Jer-ome Bourgard, there would not be many accidents happening on account of icy sidewalks- - He is continuously busy with his ice scraper. That with so many special religious services the people of Rincrham will have a chance to Did It Ever Occur to You That in spite of persistent appeals the little mining camp of Lark is still without the necessary lights in and around its vicinity. Why should the county commissioners discrim-inate as every town and hamlet hear some good sound talk during the next two weeks. That how much liberty par-ents should give , a daughter sometimes depena on how much sense God gave her . . . That an advertised divorce case is not always what it pro-tends to be. That it is difficult to per-suade yourself a man is a liar when he says nice things about ycu. m m m , That you should know there are few red-head- ed men am- - ongst the Keds. m That if "obey" is to be taken out of the marriage ritual the word "agree" should be substi-tuted and made to apply to both contracting parties. That the ladies of Bingham will have a chance to buy a real spring bonnet at Mrs. Parson's Millinery Store cheaper than if they bought it in any store at Salt Lake City. Give her a trial. That springing eternal is one of the best things that hope does. That the law of gravity is said to interfere with personal liberty. That some of the people of this great copper camp who do not give a care about how their garbage gets off the street will be learned a lesson that will prove costly in the near future. Have these people no civic pride, or do they want their names published. That styles are wicked when a man likes them better on the other man's wife than he does on his own. That Washington's birthday which should be an holiday, is usually the day picked out by a man's wife to do all the odd-jo- bs around the house. That the days of the stove-rin- o bat are passing, even un-dertakers and bridegrooms re-fuse to wear them, a few poli-ticians hang on to them maybe to add to their dignity. That even when debts are cancelled somebody has to pay them. That if all the feeble minded were locked up who could we get to write the spring poems? That Isadora Duncan left this country pretty peeved. Well who cares if she returns or not. That jmore paint on the house and less on the face would be a good idea to start out the spring with. ing business with his brothers. He was a member of the local Order of Maccabees. Mr. Mayne is survived by his widow, two sons and six daughters, ; Ed-ward Mayne of Grace, Idaho, William Mayne of Bingham, Mrs. Robert Montier of Mur-ray, Mrs. Tom Rowe of Bing-ham, Mrs. Nettie Sadler of Los Angeles, and the Misses Agnes and Myrtle Mayne, both of Bingham. t The body is in charge of the O'Donnell Co. pending funeral arrangements. PIONEER OF BINGHAM DEAD 1 George Mayne, a resident of Bingham Canyon for the past - 45-yca- rs died at his home in the lower part of town on " Thursday afternoon. He was bem in Leeds, Yorkshire, Eng-land and was about 73-yea- rs of age. For many years he was connected here in the freight- - SPECIAL SERVICES - AT CATHOLIC CHURCH Father P. Conway of Penn-sylvania, will hold special mis-sionary services at the Holy Rosary Church beginning on Tuesday, February 27th, which will be continued until Sunday, March 4th. Father Conway is considered one of the most able preachers connected with the Catholic Church. Everyone is cordially invited to attend these services, irrespective of creed or sect. Services will commence every evening at 7 o'clock. CHIEF DEPUTY SHERIFF ATTENDS PARTY Chief Deputy Sheriff - Ade Heaston attended a party giv-en at Salt Lake City on Friday last in honor of County Sheriff Ben Harries, when members of the Sheriff's force presented Mr. Harries with a gold badge. About eighty persons which included deputy sheriffs and their wives were present. BOXING MATCH AT PRINCESS TUESDAY Bingham's boxing fans are promised a good card at the Princess Theatre on Tuesday next, February 27, according to Promoter Joe Deloney. Dom-inic Tappero, Bingham's popu-lar young boxer will meet Ed-die Douglas, a fast little comer from the Manhattan Club of Salt Lake City in a six round bout. The boys are in good shape and no doubt will be in a position to give the fans their imoney's worth. Another in-teresting bout will be between Dick Rivera of the Highland Boy and Ray Nelson of Provo. Rivera made quite a hit at the last fight. Julian Butterfield is expected to meet a hard hit-ter in the person of one Ime Garfinkle, also of the Manhat-tan Club. Also a specially ar-ranged bout between Babe Herman (colored) and Bob I Harvey of Salt Lake City. SHALL BINGHAM HAVE ANOTHER STAGE LINE? The Public Utilities commis-sion of Salt Lake City has been petitioned by a large number of the citizens of Bingham ask-ing that another franchise be granted for a stage line to Bingham. Several local men are interested in this new en-terprise amongst whom are Parley Jones, Ray Wilcox, Louis Panas, and Dee Adams. There has been no reduction of fares promised by these par-ties, although it has been thot desirable. BINGHAM NEWS INCREASES FORCE Leonard Gust, the popular manager of the Bingham News l'ob print shop is all wreather in smiles this week, as the re-sult of a visit from Mr. Stork with a dandy baby girl, over 8 pounds in weight, on Monday last. Mrs. Gust who was for-merly Miss Ida Jenkins of Ne-D- hi with the new young daugh-ter are doing nicely. |