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Show y yyttff ?tf ww we)ete'eeeeeeje f News Notes; y From All Part of - j UTAH ' Delta. The Delta Boy Scouts have- started In to Improve the Delta park by having it planted with trees and; tensed. The city park contains twenty twen-ty acres. Logan. The Elks of the Logan lodge are beginning to prepare to put Oa a good musical comedy early in the coming month Ogden. A blooded Holatein-Free-Inn bull has been purchased by dairy-men dairy-men of Huntsville. Ogden. Success Is attending the-drlve the-drlve for collections for an American. Legion home In this city, according to Commander Don Rhlvers. ; Price. The Rev. Fr. A. F. Glovaa-onl, Glovaa-onl, local Cathlolio priest, bns ai, nounced that his contrlbuton to-Home to-Home Products week will be the performing per-forming of marriages free. Logan. Cache farmers must Increase In-crease their beet tonnage 25 per cent In order to share In the 48-52 basis tor beet payment Farm bureau members mem-bers were told by Samuel Christen-sen, Christen-sen, division manager. Payson. Elmer It Cloward narrowly nar-rowly escaped having his eyesight destroyed when a battery exploded in the U. S. Battery Station and threw acid into his face. SDnnlsh Fork. The Neho Poultnr association, comprising poultry men ot the Spanish Fork, l'nyson and Salem district has recently been ef' tected. Ogden. Mrs. J. C. Penney, wife of the founder of a chain of dry goods stores, Is doad In Miami, ' Ha., so cording to Information received by a cousin In Ogden. Turk City. Charles mil Is In the hospital with a severe gash In hie ' throat and Matt Makl Is in jail awaiting the outcome of II Ill's injury, as the result of a fight Salt Lake City. If II. B. 173, In-troduced In-troduced by Representative Stookey to the Utah legislature becomes a law, instead ot legal notices, concerning concern-ing taxes, filings, land sales and Improvements Im-provements and other matters of Interest In-terest to the taxpayers being publish-, ed In newspapers, three notices placed plac-ed In three public places will be held) sufficient notice. Bountiful. Automobile traffic to-Ogden to-Ogden was closed for some days because ot huge drifts that lay across, the main north and south highway in Davis county, particularly in the vl- clnlty ot Bountiful, Salt Lake City. T. W. Deese committed com-mitted suicide at his home, while a detective was waiting In the ad-. joining room with a warrant for hl arrest Mount Pleasant A fire res ul ting from an overheated cook stove cans-' ed much excitement but little damage at the home of John Marx. Brigham City. Protest against tn , election of John P. Holmgren of Bear River to the Boxelder county board ot education was overruled in . a decision by Judge Harris. American Fork. By the votes of the Central Utah baseball league, I -re nee Brlggs of this .city was elected president for the coming year Spanlsn Fork. The anniversary of Lincoln's birth was observed with appropriate exercises in the schools of Spanish, Fork, all of which gave special Lincoln programs, Ogden. Samuel C. Powell, assistant assist-ant city attorney, hns forwarded t Attorney General n. II. Clutr a bill which Is aimed to curti the activities . of the social clubs which persist In ' serving liquor. Moah. Every community la San ' Juan county has perfected an organization organ-ization to aid In a concerted effort to get rid of the Jnckrolihlt pest which is threatening to be worse this sprng than ever. Logan. Logan was free from smallpox during the month of January, Jan-uary, according to a report made to the city health board ot Health officer of-ficer J. A. Larsen. Moab. The new community of Ucolo in San Juan county Is being developed rapidly. A school hns beer : established and a townslte phitted. Mantl. Henry Hennlngsen suffered suffer-ed a broken leg when a load of logs he was bringing from the canyon can-yon overturned pinning him underneath. under-neath. , St Goorge. The Virgin Dome oil well Is now down a little moro than 3,000 feet, but it has been round necessary to put down new cas;inr Inside of the old. Ogden. An automobile operated by George Clark was damaged whci It was struck by a car of the Utah-Idaho Utah-Idaho Central Electric Railroad company. com-pany. Helper. Twenty boys organized a new Hoy Scout troop here, Rmi Ny-man Ny-man wns chosen scoutmafter. |