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Show iht Led of Parley's Creek or. k'.ori"P''riay nd died ni rhura-ilay rhura-ilay nrrning at the Holy Cross hospital. The firo department was call--d to a fire at the home of ieii Aniicone, 12 Main street :i ioiiday rfternoon. The hmi'-'nl aparatus wna used ef-svtive!y ef-svtive!y by the department nd the fire was soon subdued. The truck cf the No. 1 Depart-Ment Depart-Ment ran into a Ford sedan driven by W. L. Hester of Salt T aka City, a representative of the Suit Iake Hardware Co., who was coining up the canyon at the time, and in spite of the continuous clangimj of the goag, did not give the fire truck sufficient room to pass. Frank Lohr one of the most eflicient truck drivers of the camp was in charge of the truck J I j nloyee of the Utah Copper Co.. a capable athlete and a valued member of the Utah Coppe. 'ttisket ball team loft cump recently re-cently to the regret of his many friends. Mr. Dunn is now a'. San Jose, California-where he ! training with the Seattle baseball team. l-.es-, ecting the above trn Board of Trustees of the Town f Bingham in their Ordinance No. ?C, have ordained, "rrhK !,!:e fire companies shall have .'lu.sive right of vsy while going to a fire." It seems i' it would be impossible for any 'K ('Ho n who hiis been a residen of a city the size of Salt Lake City to violate this ordinance. Albert Olxjrt Meckling a 11-year 11-year old of Watsonville, California Califor-nia who ran away frcm his home some few weeks ago was at the request of his parents arrest-; IIAPPEN1NGS IN. AND AROUND BINGHAM Ths Bingham basketball team journeyed to Lehi on Wednesday Wednes-day evening to( witness the basket bas-ket ball game between I.ehi and American Fork. The Lawrence brothers who have been operating the Butte Cafe have taken all their equipment equip-ment to Tooele where they will engage in the restaurant business. busi-ness. George Christopherson of Eureka was in Bingham the past week shaking hands with his old-time friends. Mr. Christopherson Chris-topherson is engaged in leasing there and says the camp is still on the bocm. "Josh" Billings, general superintendent su-perintendent of the Bingham Mines Co. motored out from Salt Lake City and spent Saturday Sat-urday inspecting the Mont?.n: Binuham Co.'s. mining property proper-ty here. "Jeiry" Dunn, a former e Di ed by Deputy Sheriff Ade lleasto and turned over to county Sheriff Ben Harries on Wednesday. He will be returned return-ed to his home. P. M. McCree who has been connected with mines and mining min-ing in the Bingham district for many years came down from the Park-Bingham mining property pro-perty on Saturday last and mat with a number of his old associate.?. asso-ciate.?. Mr. McCree speaks enthusiastically en-thusiastically as to the future f this mining property and hopes to strike the main vein in the near future. Neil O'Donnell of the O'Donnell O'Don-nell Co. Undertaking Parlors here attended the funeral of M. F. Hose, a prominent Eagle of Sa't Lake City. Mr. Rose was batllv injured through-the over turning of a dredger which was .hein;: U'-ed for cleaning out of |