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Show week there was a Father and Son banquet held in the M. E. Community Church here, we tried to secure a program of this affair for publication in this weekly, but failed to do so, the Editor in case3 of this kind is accused of being unsympathetic unsympa-thetic with any cause for the betterment of the community. The far-reaching influence for good of these meetings by creating. a closer companship between father and son can hardly be over-estimated, and it is one of the most encouraging encourag-ing signs of the time that fathers fath-ers and men even without sons have done much to assist the movement by giving their financial fi-nancial support. We wish to state again through these columns col-umns that we are always willing will-ing to assist in anyway we possibly pos-sibly can for the betterment of the camp, but do not claim to be a mind reader. If reports of meetings sue has these are not for publication then what is the use in asking for them. l'OWN OFFICIALS OF BINGHAM BING-HAM CANYON Dr. F. E. Straup, President. Boyd J. Barnard, Treasurer. F. W. Quinn, Clerk. Board Members, Boyd J. Barnard, Bar-nard, Dan Fitzgerald, R. II. Ken-ner, Ken-ner, J. A. Wright. .Town Marshal, W. F. Thompson. Thomp-son. Night Patrolmen, John Mitchell Mitch-ell and Thomas Mayne. Water Master, Wm. Robbins. Health Officer, II. N. Stand-ish. |