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Show s I UTAH THEATER j : SUNDAY, JANUARY 21st S s I The Howard-Foster Co. I : in ! "The Final Settlement" i S A COMEDY DRAMA WITH A LAUGH EVERY I MINUTE SPECIAL PRICES . g 25 and 50 cents f x X Seats on sale at trie Milford Pharmacy S l GOLDEN RULE STORE n MILFORD - UTAH S Sj - . t r S U GOOD NEWS 1 I For Men, Youths and Hoys 0, Now is the chance to get a suit of clothes and save i" ki money. Our entire stock of Men's, Youths' and Boys' Cloth- fil f ing at a reduction of 25 per cent. As our clothing was pur- chased before the big advance, this will really be a saving of U 50 per cent. ft Jf Our regular $25.00 Suits $18.00 S& Our regular $18.00 Suits $13.50 4V tfi Our regular $15.00 Suits $11.25 ft 9 Our regular $10.00 Suits $ 7.50 Sj As we have a few more Ladies' and Misses' Coats left, we its fi will offer them at one-half the regular price. ft S ATTENTION, LADIES iff We cordially invite you one and all to visit our store and yj see all the latest creations in Ladies' Waists and Middies, yjy 7?J which have just arrived this week. ?S How's this for Saturday and Monday Specials? S12 lbs. Sugar $1.00 Best 40c Oranges 25c doz. Jgjj Best grade Apples 3 lbs. for 25c 11 0A11 -brands Milk 10c per can Tree Tea 2L'V2c per v, lb. Pine Nuts 2 0c per lb. l 50c Golden Rule Brand Coffee 40c lb. fc 5c Laundry Soap 7 bars 25c kjj 5c Toilet Soap per bar 2c S Shredded Wheat Biscuits 2 boxes for 25c )aj 8 I Si THE GOLDEN RULE STORE f PHONE 10. j. Ki THE HOME OF THE WORKINGMAN $V Call and se the most up-to-date ! spring and sumcer line in town. I Matheson. the Tailor. I -1 'tit i "In Ag'in OutAg'in Gone Ag'in" that's the way with the coal supply. but there is no better time to build your barns, sheds, outbuildings oi?to make needed repairs or additions to your buildings. other work is slack and it Will help you to keep warm when coal is scarce to exercise with a hammer and some nails. ask us for a price on that bill of lumber you need Lumber Co. Hal Stephens, Manager MILFORD - - UTAH I i" t I li " I j U & ONE BOY IN EACH HIGH SCHOOL 4 l WILL THIS SPRING GET A SUIT OF 3 l - g J I 1 1 lllll PlpiPll P 1 I- 1 LrlSittlliRlVi iiyiSi! ! I 1 j 'CLOTHES I .. s In order to introduce t hese clothes to the younger men in S V 5 S Milford, Beaver, Minersville, Frisco and Newhouse, the f jj f fellows between 15 and 20 we are going to give a suit to $ that boy in each high school who submits to us ths best g essay of 100 words or less on the following subject: U J I "HOW MUCH DOES GOOD TASTE IN I ! DRESS INFLUENCE SUCCESS?" ! fa Each boy can handle the subject from any angle he de- g j $ sires. ..But he must keep his essay Avithin 100 words. g I Write it plainly in ink on one side of the sheet only and deliver it to our store in person. There are no other re- fc jy) strictions no other conditions. ..Here is a chance for g Jt 1 2 t every boy in town to show what he can do, to get without i gd cost a suit of these dandy clothes. Langham-High g fi V Clothes are just built for yon, old man the only clothes g jsj that have been expressly made to satisfy all the prefer- 1 ences of high school boys. J $ ... ' Js pjt The judges, who will decide which boy in each school & I has written the best essay, will be men prominent in v business and professional life of this city. We hope t: announce their names in the near future. a fj Start at once on your essay. Some boy in your school S 5 g is going to win a Langham-High why cant vou be he? g fi I fQISCW - I n |