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Show COUNTIES WOULD BE HARD HIT A news bureau says: Tax reformers are working on a plan to raise all the state revenues from railroads, power companies, com-panies, utilities and mines. The plan looks good on paper, but would take away the assessed valuations of these properties from the counties who would lose. Representatives would go from the counties to get all they could out of the state corporation tax pork barrel for their locality. This is in line with the single tax idea, and if the gross earnings tax on the above kind of property proper-ty was made high enough that would result. State ownership of railroads and utilities and mines would follow the application of the principle that the power to tax is ownership. The corporations would pay no property tax in the county where the property is located as is now done under the present system of taxing. The corporation taxes, including mines, would all be handled by the state board of equalization and the counties would have no state tax. |