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Show STAR DISTRICT'S GOOD SHOWING Mining activity has been resumed in the Star District on a scale never before approached in the history of the district. From the north to the south, every prospect and old producer pro-ducer is being worked full blast. Fseginning at the south, the Yellow Yel-low Pine is producing a good tonnage ton-nage of high grade, copper ore that will run close to 30 per cent. Adjoining Ad-joining this, the old Saint Mary's mine is being operated by the St. Croix Mining Co. under the management manage-ment of Elmer Davie, superintendent of the Lady Bryan. The plan is to sink the old shaft and ultimately connect it through the mountain with the Lady Bryan workings, where a large tonnage of low grade ore is awaiting an economical outlet. The next property is the Commonwealth Common-wealth mine, which is being energetically energet-ically developed by the company under un-der the management of Garratt Wilkin, Wil-kin, who also has charge of the Moscow Mos-cow and Red Warrior. Several good showings of rich lead, silver and copper cop-per ore are being mined, but the main development work is being done in a drift directly under the top of the main ridge and running north toward the Moscow, on a bedded vein which shows about three feel of vein matter that is 'next thing to ore. This property is in the very heart of the district and present developments de-velopments are beginning to justify the early predictions that it would |