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Show service JEFFERSON'S mm The Winchester Store j PHONE 2 0 OR 67 - DEALERS IN ; GROCERIES Staple and fancy t 1 FRUITS'-VEGETABLES MEATS Fresh and Cured 1 DISHES AND KITCHEN WARE t . HARDWARE - PAINTS , FLOOR COVERINGS j CASTLE GATE COAL j ICE MINE SUPPLIES WINDOW GLASS - ROOFING j WIRE FENCING . HAY 'AND GRAIN; , -Our Watch-Word SATISFACTION " TK3ll23fll llliS WHERE WILL YOU BE AT SEVENTY? Recent investigations have shown that a large number of persons are dependent on relatives or charity in their old age. When the autumn of life approaches, and the leaves of youthful vim and enthusiasm fall, it is extremely difficult for any person, no , matter how able', these investigations prove, to compete in the world of business and commerce. What better insurance against dependence in old age than a savings sav-ings account in a bank? One dollar will start you on the road to economic security! Milford State Bank |