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Show tOUNGLMEN ATTACK MANY PROBLEMS IN LIVELY MEETING CLOSER ENFORCEMENT OF MILFORD'S LAWS IS INSISTED UPON At the regular meeting of the Town Board hist night, it was decided to hold a joint meeting with the County Coun-ty Board of Commissioners to discuss the probability of paving that section-of section-of the Pikes Peak Ocean-to-Ocean .Highway that runs through the business busi-ness section of Milford. President 0. F. Hubbell and two or three board members will likely go to Beaver Saturday for that purpose. At the same meeting, Councilman Frank Farmer brought up the suggestion sug-gestion that if paving plans can be carried out this year, it would be advisable ad-visable to begin thinking about the placing of conduits for a better lighting light-ing system on Main street. George Litchfield said that on behalf of tho hill residents of town, he would also urge the laying of new sewer pipe before any paving might be done, as otherwise, the present system would have to be continued, and he declared that much of the pipe had been in for twelve or fifteen years. He thought that water mains should be looked after af-ter also, prior to any talk of paving, and that the system should be put in such condition that hill dwellers could get a greater water pressure from the town system. Above all, he recommended that the sewage system be fixed up at once. He said that the cost would be trivial to the benefits.- Law enforcement came in for its share of discussion. Among flagrant violations of the town ordinances which different councilmen declared they had noticed, or that had been called to their attention, were tho riding of bicycles on the sidewalks, speeding, parking wrong, and the sanctioning of unlicensed dogs running runn-ing about town. Each form of these violations will he dealt with more severely in the future, if the attitude taken by the Board members last night was any criterion. Jos R. Murdock Mur-dock and Frank Farmer were especially especi-ally vehement in their desire to see more attention paid to enforcement of the town ordinances. A little misapprehension exists in the matter of the proper parking of cars in the business district. The town ordinance specifies that automobiles auto-mobiles must be parallel to the curb. This ordinance was passed nine years ago, at a time when auto traffic did not present the problem that it does now, City Attorney Sam Cline stated. Since then, it has been discovered that -the system does not fit the local case very well inasmuch as it had been found impossible to adequately provide parking space for cars on days here when there is occasion for a crowd of people to be in town. The difficulty of extricating one's car under this system was also mentioned. Marshall Roy Coleman was instructed to point, out to car owners the proper to park cars. The method the Board recommends is to park at a forty-five degree angle, with the front wheels up to the curb. If this method fits the bill, it may he embodied in an amended ordinance later. |