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Show Tf "117V ANATON-WDE jT "Where Savings Are Greatest" MILFORD UTAH Essential to Smart Costumes! Our "Lady-Lyke" Foundation Garment fmore graceful, feminine are approved, the moulded ; becomes important cor-girdles, cor-girdles, brassieres and combination com-bination garments are selected se-lected with care. $1.98 $3.98 Ifpi&itP' Modish Garment fffM' LADY-LYKE garment A'n-'v'A fo,!ov' ':' pa!Jta ' V- '' 'I '''J- dcncie ol the mode and , ' " ' mould you: figure on smart V ' Hues. A Colorful Striped Spread Will Bring Style Into YouBedroom Bedrooms have taken on a smart air these days with Pon the bed a is low-priced ; le Cotton read -$1.49 Rayon Spread Six 80 i 1M $2.98 -wvj'h- Select a K7 Rost CrSv " I sPrea(t 'n cot" Blue y ' " ton or ravon - , V ' Jr-si''1 'to match your tld , l curtains. Green r WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS ; Jfl Jp Your Telephone! IYaA JT When you want the choicest I ffA . meats, the best you can get and Js-5 the kind that wi-u delight your 1 j vf ( family, at prices that are no yr?? higher than elsewhere just i j U 'phone 4. Pl A Ki You'll be more than pleased a's0 w't'1 our PromPt efficient delivery service. JA 2f 0ur Butcner ShP is the lLst lgj word in Sanitation and Cleanliness. Clean-liness. THE WHITE MARKET A GOOD STORE IN A GOOD TOWN PHONE AND HAVE IT DELIVERED Credit to Responsible Parties I Found! NUGGETS OF PURE GOLD IN MILFORD VALLEY Now On Sale at all Grocers DESERT GOLD BUTTER PARRISH CREAMERY Saturday, April 21 "13-WASHINGTON" SQUARE" and COMEDY Sunday, Monday. April 22 and 23 "FINDERS KEEPERS," with Laura LaPlante PA THE NEWS Comedy, Aesop's Fables, "IN THE ROUGH" Tuesday, Wednesday, April 21 and 25 "RED CLAY" and COMEDY ! Thursday Friday, April 26 and 27 The king of wild horses, and I 'great equine actor, REX, in "WILD BEAUTY" i Coming Richard Barthclmess in "THE PATENT LEATHER KID" Atkin Hotel the ideal place for permanent or transient guests. ATTRACTIVE RATES BY THE WEEK OR MONTH Atkin Cafe is Always Ready to Serve You with Continuous SERVICE Where FRESH Means FRESH Anyone can say FRESH GROCERIES but delivering them to the trad day in and day out throughout the year ah there's the trick of it. Our Groceries are always fresh because we do not order in large lots. Prompt deliveries and a continual close attention at-tention to needs of our trade is the service we have inaugurated in-augurated to insure FRESHNESS in foodstuffs and which has made this store the headquarters of all thoughtful housewives. The Miller Market A full line of Linoleums just in time for spring housecleaning COMING! i miiiinffliimimiBiiiuiiiioiiraiiii 1 mwnnmi i uwt rammiflnnj Did You Ever 1 Stop to Think I I -that every piece of merchandise purchased from us not j I only carries our personal guarantee of QUALITY, but that j the houses from which we buy guarantee these goods to you g and us both? j 1 Nationally Advertised Merchandise-plus the Service j I and Accomodation we give-will assure you real g I SATISFACTION. I IT IS SAFE TO FLY I j Don't forget the drawings Thursdays at 6 :00 P. M. at g Our Store. m CLINE'S MILFORD, UTAH gj 1 - a |