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Show j AN OLD PAPER WITH A NEW NAME Y t GOOD MORNING! How do you like your paper's appearance? f Yes, it's the same paper you have been getting, but published under a new name. i r i I After serious consideration we decided to publish this newspaper f as THE MILFORD NEWS, instead of BEAVER COUNTY NEWS. j We realized that it was a step will c ' precedent in the annals of 1 1 Milford newspaperdom, as the name, Beaver County News, has graced ; 1 the top of Milf ord's newspaper for more than twenty-five years. But ! on seeking the advice of many of our readers, we did not receive a ; single dissenting opinion. i It is our belief that Milford is at this very time, the center of a : scene of consistent growth. But not a boom, it is steady progress . I that is making Milford a good business town, and its surrounding . ; farm lands and mines an attraction for settlers and investors. We f feel, therefore, that the time is ripe for Milford to have a newspaper distinctly its own. ! To some extent, business reasons have also prompted the change. J Misunderstanding has resulted at times in the mentioning of the Beav- I er and Milford papers, the Press and the News, respectively. Mail ! has been addressed in confusing manner. And while the Beaver paper j is named after the town in which it is published, the News had had no such distinction, and a cursory glance at the paper by a stranger has failed to bring out the name, Milford, to its rightful prominence. We are not seeking to narrow our field nor to localize our scope ! as a news medium. For the benefit of our subscribers and advertisers, j we shall endeavor to print news of county-wide interest, as far as it i is possible and practical. f We hope you like the new name. Named after Milford, pub- f lished in Milford, it will be the work of THE MILFORD NEWS to i i I primarily serve the people tf this town. |