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Show AARY GRWM BONNER. CDTTliOMt I vimtN NlWiMJ UNiOM - - SPRING RAIN "Hurry," said Mrs. Turtle, to the little turtles, "the. spring is here and it Is time to get up." Soon they were all out of their winter win-ter beds of mud and were looking about the pond for the nicest kinds of home?. "What do you think of this?" asked Mrs. Turtle. i "It is a very fine looking home," said Mr. Turtle as he looked at the home Mrs. Turtle had picked out. j "Let's see how we can fix our porches. We must have three. I could never abide a summer home that bad less than three porches." "No more could I," agreed Mrs. Turtle. "We like plenty of porches," agreed the little turtles. "Ah," said Mr. Turtle, twisting his head far out of bis shell, "it's so nice that we all like the same things. "It makes us get along so well. We all like porches. We like to sit upon them in the warm sunshine. "We enjoy a quiet nap on one of three porches, but we always like to choose between three." "Yes," said Mrs. Turtle, "it would be such a pity if we only had one porch." "Just Imagine how hard It would be to think, 'Oh dear, which porch shall I take my nap on?' and then remember re-member there was only one porch." Now the turtles have three logs outside out-side their homes which they call their porches. Sometimes they are of logs and sometimes of funny, ugly snags which the turtles think are quite beautiful. "It's going - to rain a spring rain," said Mr. Turtle, after they had all de- Upon Their Porches. tided upon their summer home and were settled upon their porches. "How do you know it is?" asked Mrs. Turtle. "You say that in such a decided manner. "Of course I know you are a wise turtle and know a great deal, but ( never before knew you vVere a weather prophet. "Are you?" "I'm not . a weather prophet,' my dear," said Mr. Turtle, "but I know this time." "Tell me how you know?" asked Mrs. Turtle. "Because," explained Mr. Turtle, "I see Mr. Tortoise." "Does he like the rain so much?" asked Mrs. Turtle. "Like it I" exclaimed Mr. Turtle. "Gracious, he hates the rain. He simply sim-ply cannot stand it. "He thinks the rain is horrid, yes, extremely horrid." " "I don't understand at nil," said Mrs. Turtle. "You say you know It Is going to rain, and you know because you see Mr. Tortoise in the distance. "And then you say that Mr. Tortoise Tor-toise hates the rain. It Is very confusing." con-fusing." "Mr. Tortoise hates the rain, and he is the weather prophet," said Mr. Turtle. "He always knows when It's going to rain and when he sees that it . Is about to happen, lie hurries away where the rain won't touch him. "1 see him hurrying away from tin I approaching rain storm now. The j storm is coining because lie's hurrying I off or at least he Is hurrying off because be-cause the rain Is coining. ".Just see if I'm not right. .Mr. Tortoise Tor-toise uever makes a mistake." I And, sure enough, in a short time, It began to rain a heavy spring rain and uot merely a spring shower. |