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Show tThe Cream of the Tctp VINCENT RICHARDS W Champion Tennis Player i - -Jy i writes'' "Immediately before and 11 after my important tannis matches I obtain the great- 1 ff est possible comfort and sat' k yf isfactionfromLHckyStrikes. f!ri A tennis player must guard V , tl his throat carefully, and I "! Si M that is why I smoke only Luckies they are mild and s mellow, and cannotpossibly Vi I irritate your throat, and my , I wind is always in splendid w shape." I ( 69Its toasted" No Throat Irritation -No Cough. 1928, The American Tobacco Co., Inc. SEEDS PLANTS BULBS Your success is sure with P. W.'g Mountain Grown Tested Seeds and Reliable Re-liable Trees. Write for large Illustrated Illus-trated catalog g-iving full details. Por-terrWalton Por-terrWalton Co.. Salt Lake. TV&45 Write for Sin.bnm ; Color; NEW C '"J Ba"a CATALOG V.'Vi jSfSS of cowboys' wearing & apparel and riding r3 V il equipment. All fwjf siyles of Stetsons. "L "'8 Satisfaction Guaranteed - X of Mono Refunded. STOCKMAN-FARMER SUPPLY CO. 1627 Lawrence St. Denver, Colo. GOOD SHOES... A; add to your appearance, and appearance counts for so much if . n&-SJ these days. Millions of men and women wear W. L. Douglas Jvu 5rti: I shoes, yearafteTyear,inpreferencetoallothermakesbecause .ff)( ' they are good shoes, styled right and priced below most WX 2Svl other good shoes. xljIXSw New Spring styles for Men, Women and Boys are now being displayed in V v. Tj g AvX 120 Douglas stores in the principal cities and by reliable shoe dealer HV H everywhere. k 1 REM-EMBER: We bought the leathers for these Spring styles iLjA before prices of hides and leathers advanced. There's a savin S for you of nearly $ I on every pair of W. L. Douglas shoes. feJX A fair and square retail price stamped on the soles of Douglas shoes at the factory, guarantees honest value. is. - .Jfl Men's $5 to $8 Women's $5 to $8 Boys' $4 to $5 'fiBilTif Catalog of Ncu Spring Styles mailed on request, . W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. 2. 173 Spark Street, Brockton, Mass. KT-v TO MERCHANTS! If Douglas shoes are not sold VI &5&3&b in TuE town write today for catalog and agency. rfjKt$&m I And Have a Clear Skin J fvrfib S ' Gently anoint the affected part VT" rfr yjr-t with Cuticura Ointment. Wash off I yyT in five minutes with Cuticura Soap JSC5 ly 0i- and hot water and continue bathing ry yW-cyS y for 6ome minutes. Pimples, ecze- y&ftftiir jScX mas rashes, and irritations are YOLj J VTrfi fdfztjzM quickly relieved and healed by this Xijff tiflP XA &r treatment. Cuticura Talcum is fra- lYl K I grant and refreshing, an ideal toilet SI powder. ft I Sonp25c. Ointment 25 and 50e. Talcoro 2Se. Sold evcry- III 1 wh(Tt Sample each free. Addreea: "Outlcura Lab- t J- I oratories, De'pt B4, Maiden, MaM." 1 ga Cyttcura Sharing Sticlt 25c. |