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Show Room for Two. 'hen a talk about the German invasion in-vasion of England was going on, a militiaman, stationed in Cariickfergus, was heard to remark that Immediately the enemy landed In England he would certainly bolt, taking a good stock of provisions, and hide in a convenient cave he knew of. The colonel, hearing of his unpatriotic unpatri-otic resolve, called him out next day ou parade, and let lured him severely on his cowardice. "You're a disgrace to the regiment and the Service-at-large," he cried. 'Fancy you threatening to run away; but I'd bo after you in quick time, my man. never fear." "Sure, an' you'd be welcome, your honor; but, bring yer own praties an' things, won't yer, colonel?'' London Tit-Bits. |