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Show UINTAH BASIN AND UTAH PKOVO NEWS Tlie Provo chapter of the Burroughs Nature Study Association Asso-ciation of Utah has been effected effect-ed in Provo, with Superintendent Superintend-ent L. E. Eggersten, president; Dr. Fred W. Taylor, vice-president, and F. M. Young, secretary. secre-tary. Dr. H. S. Goodwin, who is also the state ornithologist of the association, has been elected ornithologist of the Pro vo chapter. The charter members mem-bers are L. E. Eggersten, S. II. Goodwin, Fred VV. Taylor, Arch T. Thurman, S. P. Eggersten, George Powelson, N. F. Wilson and Reed Beck. A resolution has been passed authorizing President Eggersten to get . permission and co-operate from all ecclesiastical and civic authorities to set aside as bird sanctuaries all parks, groves, grov-es, orchards, church and ceme-tary ceme-tary grounds, the Provo river, lake and mountains near by. o ROOSEVELT (Roosevelt Standard) Mcrcellus Pope, president of the high school board of Duchesne, Du-chesne, was in Roosevelt Thursday Thurs-day night. Mr. Pope had been to Vernal and was on his way home, stopping here over night. A slight blaze occurred at the home of Bishop Oscar Wilkins of Mountain, Home the past week. The fire was caused by a defective gasoline lamp. The damage to the house was only slight. Workmen are beautifying the appearance of the Shurtleflt ho tel. A new window on the south side is among the improvements. A fine dance was held at the high school gymnasium Friday night. The Whiscomc orchestra furnished the music. We are threatened with an-. an-. other water famine. Tii leser-, leser-, ' " was fouwd to be c-wfty on i Thursday of last week anct the ditch has a large break in it. Workmen arc busy repairing the break and we will probably have water again today (Tuesday). (Tues-day). The past week Lewis Allred, of Talmagc, purchased 80 acres of E. Snow. The consideration was $6500. D. J. Babcock, the present lessee, has been bought out for a reasonable consideration. E. T. Hancock, Jr., sold 40 acres to S. B. Larsen the past week. J. M. Russell fixed up the papers. The M. E. Harmston drug store changed hands this week. Herbert Isham is the new pro-prietcr pro-prietcr and the name in the future fu-ture will be known, as the Duchesne Du-chesne Drug Co. Mr. Isham is well and favorably known here, having been connected with the Vernal Drug Store for the past two years. VERNAL (Vernal Express) Harmon Mullins anc family have moved from this city to Taf t to spend the summer. Win. H. Smart was here from Rcosevelt the middle of the w k on business. G. A. Raemer went to Myton on a business trip Wednesday rcturnig Thursday. President Don B. Colton, Elder James Hacking and Bishop Calcler, of Vernal, were among the speakers at the Duchesne Roosevelt Cllll LWII1V1V.1-. last Saturday and Sunday. The Teachers Institute, which was postponed from the original date, March 20, will occur on the second Saturday in April which is the eleventh. This will. be the last institute this year. The block of road north of the Uintah State Bank was placed plac-ed in excellent condition the fore part of the week by State road overseer Collett and assistants. assis-tants. This block is not on the state highway but the city hir- " " Ir-.. . ed the state man to grade and drag it. It presents a decided improvement. Mrs. Geo. Caldwell, of Taft, was brought to the hospital the forepart of the week and underwent under-went an operation for appendicitis. appendi-citis. She stood the ordeal in fine shape and is on the rapid road to recovery. Ranchers from the Jensen section report that the fall wheat is in finer condition than for several years past. It is now about four inches high and resembles re-sembles a soft green carpet when viewed from a distance. They are counting on a bumper crop. A central committee of twenty twen-ty prominent citizens has been appointed to outline the program and arrange details for the big Arbor Day celebration. They will meet tomorrow evening in the Commercial club rooms. Every one on the committee is urgently requested to be present. ALTONAH A large number of settlers are coming into our community these days, most of whom are looking over the Indian lands offered for sale and lease. Albert Dastrup, the Altonah black smith, made a business trip to Myton Monday. J. A. Mendenhall and J. L. Mahaffey went to Myton Monday. Mon-day. While there they attended the sale of Indian department horses and goods held at the Survey quarters. DUCHESNE (Duchesne Record) Hardin Bennion passed thru Duchesne enroutc to Roosevelt from Salt Lake City after spending spend-ing some time at the capitol. ' , L. . E. Hime made a trip to Myton last Tuesday, returning Wednesday, Miss Hyatt, of Vernal, spent a few days this week visiting Mrs. Monty Young. Hazel Hemphill spent last -week with Grace Hart at the lat-ters lat-ters Blue Bench homestead. Mrs. Mawer, of Vernal, spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Monty Young. Mrs. George Hemphill, who was quite ill last week, is reported report-ed much imprved at this writ-ling. writ-ling. I Julius Jensen, of Vernal, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. C. Murray, and attending to his farm near town. Miss Fay Pierce and Harry Seaton, both of Myton, spent Sunday at the Hemphill ranch ' on Blue Bench . ! A. M. Murdock and W. R. , Krupa, of the Duchesne Stage & Transportation Co., left on Tuesday morning's stage- for Salt Lake to transact business. The Duchesne Band gave a dance Friday night at which every one present seemeel to enjoy en-joy themselves, "Bascballites" is the name of the disease most of the men in Duchesne have taken, and 't is quite contageous. Mrs. Vaugh Jolley, the newly appointed postmaster of Strawberry, Straw-berry, was a visitor in the county coun-ty seat Wednesday. B. L. Dart, cashier of the Myton My-ton State Bank, was in Duchesne Saturday transacting business and attending the sale of Mr. Payton up the river, iVnyicy Keays, of Blue hell. Utah, was at the county scat to prove up on his homestead before be-fore Commissioner Mackie. Mr. .l-.l.n Alkire was a witness. Miss Lucinda Buys, of Hal.cr, a very popular stenographer of tJit city, returned to Duchosns Sunday evening to again take up her labors with the J. C. Jensen Co. Work is being pushed to the fullest extent on the lower Blue Bench Canal, and it is hoped that water will soon be flowing to the new ranches which the district covers. Wm. Watt, a prominent business busi-ness man of Salina,Utah, and a sister, Mrs. Peacock, were in Duchesne Du-chesne Friday last on their way to visit a brother-in-law, Henry Richens, who has a ranch on Lakefork. Last Saturday Hugh Payton held an auction sale to dispose of his property preparatory to leaving for his old home in Colorado. Col-orado. Mr. and Mrs. Payton have made many close friends since coming to the basin who are sorry to see them leave. o "V BONETA Cordelia Bird, who has been visiting relatives and friends has returned to Roosevelt where she has employment. The Camp Fire Girls have changed their name to the Bee Hive Girls and are giving some very pleasant social entertainments. entertain-ments. Leona Michelson went to Salt Lake City to undergo an operation opera-tion for appendicitis. This is the secona operation from that cause that Miss Michelson has had to suffer. The home of L. S. Swasey is about completed. Neils Pearson and family, who have been living in town this winter, moved back to their ranch Wednesday. The new residence of E. D. Reynolds is now about completed. complet-ed. o NEWS FROM BRYAN Don't know where Bryan, Utah, is? Well, Bryan is the consolidation of old Lake Fork and Ioka into one main central town and is located about half way between the two. Work on the Bryan Social hall has been suspended for the present. After putting somoiOO loads of rock on tlWjrrourudwJ 'ging the basciheia1 u.yl4idi tion, work was ' cloc.runtil4 crops are in when it will be resumed in dead earnest and the hall pushed to completion. Ralf Miles left for' Price Monday after freight. Ralf wears a suspicious, mysterious look these days, which will be more fully explained as future events materialize. The enjoyable neighborly event of the season was the Easter Eas-ter party given Sunday evening by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miles and Miss Hazel and Ralf. Those present were the Bensons, Killians, Lemons, Lem-ons, Rosses, Gentrys and Elwin Wall, of Myton. Music, singing and various other entertainments entertain-ments indulged in which, all enjoyed. en-joyed. At midnight a splendid lunch was. yerved which the guests did not slight in the least. At one o'clock a motion to- go home was promptly voted down and the fun continued until an other day caused the guests to depart "with e vlong .song, "'Till we meet again." In awarding the pri,03, .Charles! Killian received first priz ,as champion egg consumer with Ned Benson a close second. ' Move to Bryan and. help build the greatest town in com memoration ol; trie greatest man on earth. Lots for sale by Chas Percival. John A. Angus will move part of his bees for the season to the Dennis place on North Myton bench, Ditch work begun in class "C," Monday with two camps established, one at the Falls with G. F. Pack foreman, the other on lower Myton bench with Chas. Iorg in charge. As the assessment is small only a limited limi-ted time will be given for lalxi and those who do not respond promptly may find the labor privilege withdrawn, , Subscribe for The Free Press and get the news while it; is news. Will Stone and family will i 1 reach home in a fcdKT) Idaho, where they have spent the winter visiting Mr. Stone's parents. Uncle Dan Pack says that preacher that plowed stumpy land without swearing wasn't given a proper test. He will wager wa-ger a Bryan town lot that if put to plowing alfalfa, said preacher wont last 15 minutes, but will swear just like anyone else. Med Pack and son, of Kamas, who. have been putting in a crop of grain on Mr. Pack's farm near Bryan, returned to Kamas Wednesday. Letters from W. R. Martin, now of Tucson, Ariz., indicate that himself and family will return re-turn to his Dry Gulch farm about June 1. 0 LAKEFORK ITEMS Quite a number of our people attended conference at Roosevelt last, Saturday and Sunday. John Henry Moon, of Kamas, Summit county, Utah, was a vis itor for a few days with his rcl-atives rcl-atives and friends the past week. Everybody is engaged in planting plant-ing their crops. Lots of grain is being planted and all look for a large yield the following season Lakefork Irrigation company is doing spring ditch cleaning and will soon have the ditch ready for plenty of water to use for all puiposes during the summer. sum-mer. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Adel-bert Adel-bert Angus a baby girl; also to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd a girl. T. B. Hallett and son, Buernsy, have moved their families to Ewell, Carbon county, where they have taken up a homestead. They expect to try the dry-land farming. We wish them success. Mrs, Leona Meccham Spencer, and husband, have returned home for a visit with their relatives. rel-atives. They have resided the last year at Emery county. J. M. Mickelson, of Boneta, had moved his store from the MRock building, which used to bo H-IaIl9tts-stc;re,"to7Ephram Mer- jtjtt'H resident, where he expects 1 to put in a large stock and do a good business. Several allotments of this locality lo-cality are being put under cultivation. cul-tivation. Things are looking brighter than in the past. Mrs. Arthur Key has been very ill, but trust she shall soon be better. Parley Galloway has moved his family to their home on Lakefork bench. School closed last Friday and in the evenig a fine program was rendered followed by a dance. Every one enjoyed themselves them-selves very much. The teacher, Robt. Marchant, will move to his homestead in the near future. Robert Marshall left this morning, April 4, with a- large bunch of cattle for Sowers Canyon. Can-yon. Byron Mitchell, of Kamas, is here visiting friends and relatives rela-tives and looking over his homestead. Claude Mathews has gone to Colton to bring in a load of freight. Wednesday evening of each week is our amusement night, when every one will always find something doing. Billy Patterson and family, (Indians) have moved back to their farm for the summer. They live at Myton during the winter. Wm. Roberts and Ernest Babcock Bab-cock have moved their cattle from their winter quarters to the mountain for the summer. |