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Show VALUE IN EFFICIENCY CHART Enables Worker to Ascertain Just What 13 Worth of Work That Ho Is Doing. One way to Increase your value is to find out exactly where you stand, and Just how much of your possible best you are attaining. Businesses are examined carefull)'. charts and measurements, averages and possibilities, all are used and tabulated, tab-ulated, according to a writer in the rittsburgh Dispatch. A business man of any real sense uants to know whether ho Is getting ' the best return re-turn for what ho Is putting into his business. Sometimes he calls in an expert to help him find out, Bomettraes he works It out himself. The same idea applied to yourself will prove distinctly worth while. Make out a chart, divided into three portions horizontally, and these again many sections as required. At the left write on the margin, for the top strip. What Is Asked of Me. For the second horizontal division "write What I Do. For the lowest, write What I Might Do. Over the top of the sheet write the headings for the various subdivisions, which must differ according to your Job Suppose we put Promptness, Manners, Quickness, Neatness, Intelligence, Intelli-gence, Thoroughness, Cheerfulness, Amount of Work Done, New Ideas, Initiative, Ini-tiative, down as suggestions. . In the lowost row write under each heading what your Ideal accomplishment would be. On top, what you must do to make good at the job, and to stand a chance of rising. In the middle what! you actually do, and be strictly honest with yourself In Ailing this out. Call it your efficiency chart, and keep it for a month. If you do that, you aro pretty Bure to go on keeping it. It will help you to find out about yourself, it will urpe you to improve, and It will interest you to see how you do Improve- I think you will very soon decide that time s:ent on such a chart is not wasted. |