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Show yyyyWVVv " ' . , . PERSONALS AND LITTLE LOCALS W. T. Fisher, of Independence, was in Myton Monday. J. A. Wilson, Vernal attorney, is in Myton on legal business. J. F. Waters, of Lake Fork, was in Myton on business Friday. Fri-day. H. H. Carmen was up from his ranch near Ouray on business this week. .... W. B. Palmer has completed a neat cottage at his homestead on the South Myton Bench. W. W. Boyd was in town Sat urday disposing of the products of his poultry farm. J. E. Holder spent a few days in Myton this week procuring supplies for the Parriet mines. B. L. Dart and R. B. Croix have been in the Altonah and Boneta county this week on business. busi-ness. Morgan Calvert and Floyd Humes spent Monday 'night on their Pleasant Valley homesteads. homes-teads. A. F. Maxwell has gone to Salt Lake to purchase goods and to attend to other important business. busi-ness. . A few of the fi lends of Lois Wheeler met at her heme Wednesday Wed-nesday evening where they had a nice time. Claud Peacock, of Mount;vn Home, was in Myton Monday taking in the sights and uVl ing for the fight returns. E. M. Jones has recently accepted ac-cepted the agency of the Stude-baker Stude-baker cmpany. He reports good business in the vehicle line. Mrs. L. E. Seaton, who went to Vernal last week to undergo an operation for tumor returned Sunday. The operation was successful. suc-cessful. Lee Cooper and family moved to the head of the Red Cap ditch Wednesday.- ,.&lr... Cooper will care for the Reel Cap ditch from that point. Miss Mary McCIellan, of Vernal, Ver-nal, who has been visiting her father, Taylor McCIellan, and friends of Myton, left for her home Thursday. The North Myton ditches, class "C," of the Dry Gulch Irrigation Ir-rigation system, are being repaired re-paired and cleaned in preparation prepara-tion for summer use. John Wills is erecting a building build-ing north of the Myton State Bank for Mrs. Cristina Moody who will open a bakery there as soon as it is completed. A general clean-up of the town is in progress. The town site canal and laterals are being cleaned and extensions made in various parts of town. D. M. Frost has moved into the office of the Reservation Real Estate company, and will manage that business. He cordially cord-ially invites you to call and see him. Arnold Reef, editor of the Roosevelt Standard, was in My ton Thursday on business. This i3 Mr. Reef's first visit here since : last September. lie reports business and collections good. ' Fred C. Powers, the insurance " and real estate man, will soon make a busines trip to towns in . i western Colorado. He expects i to spend some time in Rio Blan co county. ; Robert Dean, teacher of the public school at Strawberry, a few miles above Duchesne, was I in Myton last week. Mr Dean has been teaching a very successful night school which recently closed. F. B. Horsley is one of the successful bee men of the reser-! reser-! vation. He has an apiary on the ; river near Myton. Last year his ; 38 colonies of bees produced 84 cans of honey. This year he has 70 colonies. i The auto stage had a break down on the dugway north of town Wednesday. A truck was sent from Duchesne to carry the passengers and mail to Roosevelt. Roose-velt. H. F. Moore has resigned his position as justice of the peace and has moved to his ranch tar Randlett. His place will 'je t'j filed fi-led by the county commissioneis today. Chas. Sauder has leaded his place on the North Myton :.oneh to a Mr. Graves of Salt Lake City. Mr. Graves is building a new residence on the place i ' is making general improver Bliss Lott, proprietor of the Lott dairy this week purchased a herd of milch cows comprising eight head from R. L. Rohm and is now m a position to supply his increasing trade with every dairy product. Extensive improvements arp being made about the Indian department de-partment survey quarters. The entire grounds are graded and parked and planted to lawn grass and flower seeds and will be a beauty spot this summer. I Mrs. E. W. Lloyd, of Eureka, spent a few days in the basin. She was in Vernal making proof on her desert claim near Independence. Inde-pendence. Mrs. Lloyd was a former resident of Vernal, where her husband was manager of the Vernal Drug company. Robert Rohm has sold to C. W. Smith 160 acres, partly improved im-proved near where the Lake Fork empties into the Duchesne. The price was not mad 3 public. The deal was made through the Pioneer Realty m. Investment Cfmp.my. One act of the recent legislature legisla-ture was a law prohibiting: the use of narrow tired wagons after the vear 1920. That length of, Ifrnefshoulcl'make-it " easy foi' every owner of a wagon to change from narrow to .wide tires. Andrew Whitlock and wife, W. A. Miles and wife and Joseph Hardy and wife, of Roosevelt, were in Myton Friday. They left the same day for Price where they proceeded to Salt Lake City by rail to attend the L. D. S. conference there. I William Trcwin is the new writer on the Vernal Express and he is gathering and writing many columns of interesting news each week. Trewin was employed for more than two years on the Grand Junction Sentinel. W. S. Hendersn, of the Henderson Hen-derson Bartlett Music company, I of Vernal, was in Myton during the week. Mr. Henderson reports re-ports a growing piano trade all over the country. His firm has recently accepted the agency for the Kimball company of Chicago. Chica-go. Charles ShurtlefT and wife were members of an auto party visiting Myton Thursday and made The Free Press office a pleasant visit. Mr. and Mrs. ShurtlefT are the pioneer hotel people of Roosevelt and have built up a splendid business at that place. Fred S. Musscr, of Midview, was in Myton last Saturday transacting business and attending attend-ing to affairs of the Duchesne Irrigation company, of which he is secretary. The canal of the company is about finished. It carries water for at least 3,000 acres of land. Rev. Father W. K. Ryan, of St. Mary's Cathedral, Salt Lake, died in Cheyenne, Wyoming, April 1, of heart failure, while on a visit to that city. Father Ryan was well known in the Uintah Basin. He visited Myton a few years ago in company with N. J. Meagher, of Vernal. Among Myton visitors this week were Ray Dillman, count attorney, Roy Wilkins, sheriff, C. W. Smith, assesor, S. A. Russell, Rus-sell, county commissioner and Wm. O'Neil, representative. Dr. W. J. Baker and family have gone to California. Mrs. Baker will remain indefinitely in the hopes of improving her health. The doctor will soon return re-turn to resume his dental work. Among the Myton visitors this week were J. E. Mendenhall, J. L. MahafTey and Albert Dastrun. of Altonah. They are all very enthusiastic about the outlook for their section of the country thi? summer. C. C. Harston, of Basalt, Colo., is here looking things over with the idea of locating with us. Mr. Harston is an engineer on the Midland railway and reports a (iaily increasing business activity in the railroad world. Dan Smith, who recently came here from tfce east is a south paw base ball pitcher of considerable note. He pitched for three or four years and is said to have made good. It is more I than likely he will be one of the I pitchers this summer for the Myton team. J. L. Finney, of Bingham Canyon, Can-yon, was one of the recent visitors vis-itors to Myton. JIe had a ?hort vacation and decided to take a look at the Myton country with a view of purchasing land He went away well pleased and may come back. Mr. Finney is employed em-ployed by the Utah Copper company. com-pany. Joseph Reither will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of his birth next Saturday, April 10. Mr. Reither was born in Germany Ger-many and came to America 55 years ago. He served in the "Pxusf. sianannyor-tJnroe-Treai!r-i7u in the Civil war in the United , I States for one year. In 1906 Mr. Reither settled on the reservation. reserva-tion. M. G. Hunt, who purchased the Baker places near Independence Independ-ence recently, returned from North Carolina, where he was 'married to Miss Sallie P. Wilson, 'of Lawndale, of that state. His bride accompanied him and they are now located at their new home. Mr. Hunt scattered a 'great deal of Uintah Basin advertising ad-vertising matter through parts of the Tarheel state. II. H. Holdaway was down from Duchesne Monday transacting trans-acting personal and Record business. busi-ness. Mr. Holdaway says the Record plant has been on the road from Salt Lake for some time and that just as soon as it arrives it will be installed. The plant is modern and up to date. The press is for seven column newspaper and can be run either by hand or power. Misses Lucinda Buys and Phyllis McMillan and Glenn Jensen,. Jen-sen,. of Duchesne, were Myton visitors last Saturday. All three are Hebcrites. Miss Buys is a stenographer. She is a daughter daugh-ter of the late William Buys, former owner and editor of the Wasatch Wave, one of the oldest weekly newspapers in Utah. Miss McM illian is employed at the county scat. Mr. Jensen is a son of Jay C. Jensen, the abstractor. ab-stractor. Seth B. Perry, for several years a ranger in the Ashley National Forest service, lately resigned his position and will devote his attention to his farm in the Yellowstone country. Mr. Perry has a large number of friends on the reservation who will regret to learn that he has evered his connection with the Forest service. He was at all times courteous and accommodating accommo-dating in his dealings with the people who had business with him. ; "H |