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Show Join Rose & Company's line-up of individual dressers dress-ers of the day. Who are ready to stand off any attack of any high grade tailoring. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Their Line-up consists of 400 of the choicest patterns pat-terns and the latest fashions fash-ions now on dress parade and ready for your inspection. in-spection. It will pay you to call and look over their strong line-up for Spring and Summer. Awaiting your early call. A. F. MAXWELL'S Cash Store DUALliRS IN HATS, CAPS, BOOTS SHOES, GENTS' FURNISHINGS DRY GOODS GROCERIES, TINWARE t jCVTON, UTAH SW&L A L K 1 1 L. EASTMAN KODAKS snil Supplies, Call and let iu leiirji you bow to use Uim, ' r PRICK $2.00 to $2.50 COLTIIARP-WILLIAMS DRUG CO. MYTON LUMBER CO. TYLES & EWIN, Prop-Building Prop-Building materials of all kinds-Contractors kinds-Contractors for carpenter work- Palmer & Sons GENERAL ULACKSMIT1IING WheelwriKhtinpf and all kinds of wood work-Horse work-Horse shoing a specialty-Myton, specialty-Myton, Utah Devoting all our time to the SODA WATEKJCE CREAM AND LIGHT LUNCH HUSK NESS We will give our patrons the best the land affords, Try us. Mrs- I- W. ODEKIRK Myton, Utah j LOTT DAIRY FRESH MILK AND CREAM I Deliver daily ;j |