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Show jiXgJtt?kiiiio Ascertain Flow or ASK Tributaries to Green River Running East Two interests which have suffered suf-fered as a consequence of the 'Indian trouble in San Juan county coun-ty are the geological survey and the reclamation service. Now that the Indian troubles are over, L. W. Jordan, engineer in the water resources department of the United States geological survey, sur-vey, has gone to make tests as to the flow of the San Jaun river. These tests will be made at request and expense of the reclamation rec-lamation service to accumulate data in connection with the big Colorado storage project now being investigated by the reclamation rec-lamation service. The project is 6 store all the flood waters of out this season. All of the stock thpir tributaries for the double purpose of preventing the disastrous dis-astrous s pring overflows and the Lfoll scarcity of water for irrigation irri-gation purposes, especially in the Tmeprial valley in southern California. Cal-ifornia. -.Surveys are being conducted ail -along the Green river and at tk$ junction of the Green and j Grand for sites for storage res-'crvbirs. res-'crvbirs. Several sites have been fixed upon, only to be abandoned on account of a poor foundation for a dam. Surveys in progress indicate that the site in the Flaming Gorge and at the Mouth of -the Minnie Maud near Ouray, if .any, will prove feasible. J. J. Sanford, also an engineer in the water resources,' has gone to the northern part of Uintah county to conduct additional surveys and to ascertain the flow in all the streams tributary to the jGreen river flowing east. |