Show I L T d s boo Cool c boo nu C II I I should he be asked to name the quart It mos moat necessary to tl heat blIt type or of warn I 1 should choose for with It r sure to h be j s- s soe d ambition 1 and elf elf- fence GOOD THINGS TO EAT Tr YOUR family are of till nil kloda I of shell hell fish th 1111 y Will enjoy Crab Meat and Red Rd Pcp tilt of foal harrl d e eggs s mush and odd turn lit of lIw ad chop hup the whites r Iii the lap e gr line fin and add II luh Jo nail II a halt or of d dred red rel Put 1111 Into II our of boner nu nit It II ed pel odd mid tilt the and conk un tin a Ill l lit itt II a u n cupful of JIm cr row add II a cupful II I r ir rull meat III highly and nt e on circles of tOUt toast well Sweet Potatoes With Apples Put iut tine cupful ot of halted 1 po IWI lathes cut cuI In thin slices II In a 1 fl linking dish Cover with hire ot of a 0 cupful 11 of x t with one one cupful or of tint with two of sugar butter unit and with teaspoonful tea leo spoonful ot of salt repent Rake Bake lu s moderate oven O one bout bour Chicken Jelly Cut up up a lor largo chicken Into small pieces each piece on n board until the flesh and bone Is well well- mashed Put the chicken Into a 11 kettle add acid a tablespoonful of salt and aDd a 8 aquart quart ot of water SImmer for tor sc several eral un oo the back huck of the stole StO ur or put pUI into a 0 GIele cool r. r and pour Into Inlo n maid S Serve ne on lettuce with dressing Different Dried flee Beef Put Pat three of bacon hit Into a rr frying lr g pun 1 one one halt of nf dried beef cut Into Inlo small pieces ej l with the shears for three minutes then place on a 0 hot hor platter ul lut three thrle bananas crosswise d la 11 quarters rs len lh le let them I rank ronk In the frying rr pan long enough to become hut hilt Arrange the Ih beef heet and serve pipInG hot He Head Lettuce Roquefort Dressing Arrange the tender leaves P o of head In o howl l sprinkle with adored 1 cheese e nId R a h I holt has been highly high high- ly Iy Ff with cayenne anti a dash of onion lute Serve r e ot at once TIlt The rouy he stirred tiro the dress trig In nail n passed p In n bowl It Ie desired Corn Cut corn orn from twelve twel ears chop chup one head of firm e sprinkle the cabbage with salt and ond let three hours Drain oft orr the water wo wa tel ter from the cabbage and odd add the urn corn one cupful of sugar two tattle tattle- spoonfuls ot of salt Fult one half cupful ot of ground mustard tour four small 11 red pep pets chopped fine two quarts of vine vine- gar aro Cook all together until Cnn Can andt ond seul white hot t lilt 1354 Wl D Newspaper r Union |