Show f UINTAH AU BASIN I CORRESPONDENCE 1 BLUEBELL ELL Sad indeed d was the death of oC the little Infant daughter ot of Mr and Mrs Irs Fred lored Goodrich There was great rejoicing on June 3 at the arrival of this little lIlUe child It being the first daughter In a large family of boys The little ono one passed away Sunday at 11 a. a m. m m The bod body was laid to rest Monday afternoon Many relatives friends ds and neighbors followed followed fol- fol lowed the little body to the tery We extend heart beart felt tolt sympathy sympathy thy to the parents God our Father In His wisdom om recalled the treasure given earth with a all It Its sins and sorrows cannot reach our babe In iii heaven Death to us can never brIng fear distrust doubt or sting on the distrust doubt or sting on theother the theother other shore we shall clasp our child once more A lively game gamo of baseball was played In Bluebell Saturday afternoon afternoon after after- noon between Arcadia and Bluebell teams score 18 to 10 In favor of Bluebell Otto Murray had a very painful accident during the baseball base all game Saturday A ball struck him under the eye causing a very had bad cut and bruise Otto says It does docs not matter so long as Bluebell won the game Henry Henn Drown Brown who lives two mites miles south of Bluebell has just purchased a new Case threshing machine Mr Drown Brown says sas he will willbe be well equipped for threshing the grain raised In this part of oC the ba- ba siut this fall h Robert Marshall is now living lIing on the Ra Ray brothers farm tarm They have bave hired him to clear the land bell is keeping pace with the surrounding surrounding sur- sur rounding towns along the Improvement improvement Improve Improve- ment lines Jines Everyone Is putting their shoulder to the wheel in good earnest In spite of cold weather most all crops In and around Bluebell look extra well Barring the unexpected ed we expect to have hae extra good crops this year Another year ear you will see many man lucious strawberries grown gron in Bluebell as a large number of people people peo- peo have set out plants thIs spring sprin Most ot of the plants were from Lutellus lus Ius Durdick's Burdick's who has very fine berrIes i Mr lr and Mrs W. W C. C Hassock w wIsh to have a correction ma made c. c rh le It sou born May 31 is 15 ther sand S nd sc sen n. n Mrs Irs Leslie G was up to sheep camp In Dr Dry Gulch GuidI last week cooking for sheep sJ The following pt people olle of o attended June e In Salt SaltI Lake Mr and Mrs 11 Arthur GoodrIch Goodrich Good Good- I rIch Mr and Mrs Irs Luthor Gale Ray Mrs John Th and John X X Anderson I 4 TALMAGE TALf I 10 The stork flew over Talmage last Jast Friday leaving a bab baby girl gIri at the he home of Mr lr and Mrs Irs Thomas L L. Allred Mr Alva Aha Rust left Saturday for JI Ferron with a load of furniture for Louis Edwards Mrs Louise Anderson left lett for tor Logan to to visit with friends and relatives While there she will attend attend at- at tend summer school Mrs l Mary Iary and children left for Salt Lake to visit friends and relatives I Mrs Mary L L. Shelton and son Verl Veri are putting up a store in Tal- Tal mage We are all glad to see it come Mrs Irs Laura has bas returned to her home in Midway alter after spending spending spend spend- ing a week her parents Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Chris Miss liss lola Iola Thompson has accepted a position as clerk at the Sanitary market at Duchesne David Davis Davia has gone to Park City where he expects to get et work Mr Ir and Mrs Irs Lars Kofford and children of Park City spent this I week visiting Mrs Irs Kofford's parents parents par par- Mr and Mrs Irs R. R D. D Redford Mrs H. H A. A Beckstead left Thurs Thurs- elay alay for Salt Lake Lal to to attend the June conference Bishop A. A G. G Burton took a car carload load Jond ot of passengers to Salt Lake to attend the June conference I i 1 n. RANDLETT 4 4 4 4 i 4 Rev M. M J Hersey held hol holy communion communion com com- munion services at the I Episcopal church Sunday morning He was accompanied by his daughter Dorothy Doroth Doro- Doro thy th Sam Smith and and Miss Ethel Allen Alten of Whiterocks Whiterocks' were visitors at the Richards home last Sunda Sunday after after- I noon Rev Hev W. W J J. J Howes held servIces In InVernal Vestal Vernal Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Frank Drennan Brennan of were visitors at the Brennan home last Sunday after after- noon Mrs Etta EUa McMullen lc and Mrs Wm N. N Stevens left lert for Salt Lake Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day where thc they attended the primary Irl- Irl mal mary and mutual conventions Walter Owens returned home Friday evening from Salt Lake where he has been attending high school at the Westminster college His brothers Hugh and Rhodell brought him In from Price Joe and August Dudley returned home tram from Kansas City herp tile have they been taking me- me training during the last I few months Pablo who vho has been quite ill with pneumonia iso is able to get out again The party given by the young men of the M. M I. I A. A for the young ladies and guests at the home of Mr Ir and Mrs Leonard Harris Tuesday evening was well weIl attended The evening was spent In playing games which refreshments were served Rev W. W J. J Howes an and the Richard family attended the play The Soldiers Soldier's Sweetheart given at Roosevelt Friday evening by the Whiterocks Dramatic club 4 1 44 4 lr hT 4 4 4 10 Mr Ir and Mrs of Salt Lake motored to the Post Sunday from the I metropolis Mr Ir come to repair repair re- re pair the bookkeeping in III the I Indian office I Fr Frank DavIs or of Whiterocks and James Drott Brott of the office left Saturday evening e on a fishing trip They brought back several big carp Superintendent Gross Is having the tr trees es at the Post PoM trimmed Ho He has bas a man hero fr Er m Denmark doing doIng do- do Ing the job I Mighty cold Sunday Sunda ei elling but owing to the wind wc W escaped damaging damaging dam dam- I aging frost The caps 1 P look r very good considering the cold nights I and dry weather I George Dixon was do n from the sawmill Sunday Sundar Mr Dixon says as a's fourteen Inches of sno v fell CeU at the mill during the recent reent storm Previous to the storm I It was dry and dust dusty where there Ii h generally several feet teet of snow at time of the year I f 4 4 Miss lIss Irene Porter of Park City Is visiting with relatives here Mr and Mrs Irs Samuel made a trip to Price last week Th The hall ball game ame between Bluebell and Arcadia last Saturday was won by Bluebell Christina Hardman was visiting at her home on North My Myton ton bench Sunday Sundar Marion Marlon Ross returned to Castlegate Castlegate Castle Castle- gate Tuesday 4 4 IlD Lee Cooper Is js at his ranch suffering suf- suf fering from a severe attack ot of ap- ap Mr Ir and Mrs Lawrence 1 spent the week end at Upalco T. T R. R Cope and J. J E. E Myers 1 ers have gone to Salt Lake and other outside points Clarance Christensen nas gone to Lohl Lehi where he will find employment employment employ employ- ment this summer He expects to attend high school there this win win- es er r d l TABIONA P 4 The many friends of Mr and Mrs Edward Thomas were very sorry to learn of the death of their infant child Mrs Irs Thomas Is In Duchesne at the hospital and is setting getting along nicely Bishop Claud Wagstaff and family family ly moved up on the road where Claud Cland expects to work aU all summer 4 4 4 Mr r. r and Mrs V V. V T. T Rice of Ft Duchesne were were the guests of Mr 11 and Mrs Fred Ferron Sunda Sunday Mr Ir and Mrs J. J A. A Cederquist and Mr 11 and Mrs George Georg Philipps of Myton were Duchesne visitors Saturday Sat Sat- and In the evening they took In the picture show Miss liss Betty Delty Philipps ot of Myton Is the guest of Miss l Martha lartha Paige Porter this week eek Mr and Mrs Fred Ferron and children left for Salt Lake Monday where the they wilt will visit relatives and friends for a few tew days dan Dr Webb the famous veterinary of t Roosevelt made a business trip to the tho count county seat Monday I A dinner party was held at the home honie of Mrs Arnold Reef Sunday Those present were Mr Ir and Mrs C. C T. T Axelgard and Mr 11 and Mrs Irs George Bowers Mr and Mrs Irs Dana Rose of ona were down to see the dentist Wednesday of last week Mrs rs Reader Workman came In from Salt Lake and was the guest of Mrs Ir Tom Firth for couple o of days das Dean Powell and wife wite were down tram from Tabiona last Friday Dean Is farming the John Pilling ranch In that section A. A M. M Andreason was around bIdding bidding bId bId- ding his friends good bye on the eve of his departure to Salt Lake last Frida Friday Mrs R n. n D. D Thompson who sold her ran ranch h in Sowers canyon some sometime time Hmo ago has purchased the John JohnT T 1 Pope dwelling Mrs rs Thompson will make some repairs paint up and make this her future home George Kohl has purchased an account ac- ac count register for the Sanitary Market which Is as handy as a pocket in Ina a shirt George dont don't overlook anything that will be of convenience t to his store and to his I patrons JO 0 C. C Lockhart left for tor Salt Lake Thursday of last Jast week weck to lay in school supplies for the next school year William Fitzwater left or Salt Lake Lako and nd Provo on business last st week eek Rube Wilkins passed through Duchesne Friday on his way to Price to weigh up p wool for the Stock Growers Growers Growers' association Max D. D Peterson and family hove moved Into the Axelgard bots on C street Miss Fern Oab Od Jrr rr returned hori home from Salt Lake Saturday Fern attended attended at- at tended the West high during the past winter Mrs Irs C. C I. I Dickerson and son Willard Wil- Wil lard larel Mrs Irs A A. A J. J Feller and Andy Wood left for Ogden Osden Saturday Mrs Dickerson and son and Mrs Felter Feller to vIsit Mr Ir and Mrs Irs B D. D W. W Mrs Irs A A. A M. M Murdock and Mrs rs E. E V. V Sadler and children were dinner guests of the Porters Sunday J J. R. R Pope returned Sunday from Logan where he had been to take his wife out to summer school Jay drove through from Logan to Du- Du chesno the same da day The schedule on the malt mall lino tram from Duchesne to Altonah has bas been changed Mall all leaves Duchesne 7 in the morning returning In after after- noon This will be more convenient for Talmage and lit Mt Home people Mr Ir and Mrs Irs H. H IL II Holdaway accompanied accompanied ac- ac companied by O. O V. V Andrew drove over to an aD l Nylon to spend Sunday Mrs Irs will II spend several weeks visiting relatives relatives rela- rela tives In that section before she sho- shore re- re Price Sun 1 On FrIday June 13 a farewell I mIssionary dance and program will willbe willbe be given at the amusement hall ball in hl honor of at Leland C G. G Larsen who will leave on a mission shortly The rho missionary spirit Is getting real strong In Duchesne We hope the date of this entertainment will prove a gOod omen to Leland S. S D. D Wagoner formerly of Myton now ot of Los Angeles came camo lu In Sunday to attend court In the case of Wagoner Wagoner Wag Wag- oner against R R. R E. E Miller Iiller of Mrs Arlington Snow and small children of Provo have bac been th the guests ot of her mother Mrs ToOl Toni Firth for the past two weeks Mr lr Snow came In Sunday and aa a- afew few lays days visit the family will return 1 I. I to Provo Mr and aud Mrs James of Vernal were guests of the John Hair family last Sunday Sundar The Misses Nettie ettle Larsen and anel Laura hair Leland Larsen and Ro Roy Schon Ian made a trip to My ton and other points Sunda Sunday Leatha Hall Hair of Vernal Is visiting I her grandparents Mr Ir and Mrs rs Jo John n Hair I H. H M. M Walker len left Sunday for forI Salt Lake to be In attendance at the I state dental association Mrs Fred Johnson came In from Payson Thursday of as week Th The Johnsons will make their home at atthe atthe the Knight Knight ranch camp No A A. luncheon was TaS given by Mrs On Local Page |