Show Wealth of f Utah Gilsonite And Oil Shale is Immeasurable When the weary and footsore plo plo- gazed for the first time on the alkali Salt Like Lake alley talley they little dreamed that surrounding this then bleak locality was the greatest wealth of natural resources to be found In any state or that the spot on which Salt Lake now stands should some day become the center or of one or of the greatest sections or of the world The varied wealth ot of our metals agriculture and natural scenery is s too well known to require comment at this time but there are few fe or of the citizens ot of this city and state who are familiar with the unbounded I wealth or of Utah's hydrocarbons principally prin- prin those of oC coal gilsonite gil- gil asphalt rock and oil shale There lies at our very door some or of orthe the greatest known deposits I of r these in the world and if H but 25 per percent percent cent of the acreage containing these products were held by Utah citizens she would become within the next twenty years rears one or of the wealthiest states in the union As It is however we in in inthe the west have haye become so accustomed to the sight or of the undeveloped natural resources resources re- re sources that we do not appreciate their value and as a consequence are permitting men with broad vision front from all portions or of the world to come In and acquire the cream of our possessions in these products The effect this wall have on time the future of our state is not fully realized realized real real- b by our people or there would be a concerted effort made to retain some or of these enormous assets at home and not let the major portion be acquired at the criminally low prices at which the they are being bought at this time by outsiders It Is true we are a comparatively new state and that we need outside help principally In opening up the most hazardous ventures in connection connection tion with mining or even en In the pioneerIng or of sonic some or of our more certain certain tain Industries but this should not be permitted to go on to the extent or of sacrificing practically all or of our best known hydrocarbon deposits so that our own people later can only obtain and shall be compelled to op- op onless advantageous ty b being thus put at an unalterable disadvantage dis- dis advantage Imminent We e are going to be severely criticised and justly so by the younger generation either now growing up or 01 who shall come after atter for our lack of foresight and amid activity In the protection of these resources to our own people aul anI state and a thought occurs to me which I venture here hereto to give Can we not make it a slogan slogan gan that shall appeal to ever every red red- blooded Utahn to set aside at least 10 per cent or even 25 5 per cent or of his annual profits profit for Investment in new enterprIses that shall give employment employment em- em and amid create new production in this state It this slogan is properly taken up and a concerted drive made in getting it Into the minds or of our Utah people It will eventually do more toward making Utah a wealthy wealth state than all the advertising we can cando cando do to bring either people or capital Into the state for the capital brought In front from outside is merely draining our resources while giving employment employ employ- ment to our citizens but dividends I front from money invested by our people will not only give employment to I our citizens but will hold perma- perma and forever within our bounds time the wealth eaIth which we need to create new Industries and amI support added population and until this is I done Utah can never ne conic come Into her OW own l or reach her place In the sisterhood sisterhood sister sister- hood of oC states There Is no true western spirited Utahn who is making makIng mak- mak Ing his money here who will refuse to Invest some ot of his surplus In industries lu- lu for the or of the state in which he is making his honey mone Coal Coni Resources Fast The pioneers had not been In the valley valler two years rears before they coal In Utah of which It Is at present estimated that we have more th n square miles or of workable workable work work- able ble grade sufficient U if all or of It were milted to supply the entire United States for more than years I Inasmuch as coal can be commercially commercially commer- commer recovered for a distance or of about four miles back or of the outcrop outcrop out out- crop we have haye I may safely sa say between be- be tween tw en and acres of c l workable under present method methode meth- meth od ode and giving us its a tonnage in excess excess ex- ex I cess or of three billion tons which can be recovered by present mining n or at the present rate of enough to to last us for like years rears fIt is estimated that of sonic some sey- sey four four different interests In Car Car- bj min 11 county and one in Emer Emery coun- coun they ty-they have in their acre acre- 9 nearly tons of coal 1 will last for tor about years ears under their present rate or of extrac- extrac tIon J Iii In addition to coal Utah possesses among her bier h hydrocarbons the great great- st deposits of oC gilsonite also known as In the United States in act it Is the only portion or of the United States in which this very verr important im- im hydrocarbon Is found There are smaller veins of it and amI numerous intermediate inter inter- mediate hydrocarbons also but far the greatest deposits are those o of the which is being mined and marketed by a number or of corporatIons cor- cor the product finding a aready read ready market at per ton for firsts and 24 2 to 25 for seconds these prices f f. f o. o b cars at Mack Cc Colo lo A narrow gauge railroad has be built and has been in operation for some ome years between Watson u al iT and Mack lack Colo which was b bij h hs tbt ln al com com- pan pany mainly for tor the transportation atton or of gilsonite from the Uintah basin to time the Denver Rio Grande West est Western estern ern railway Mineral 1 Found in ht Veins These hydrocarbons occur in fissure fissure fis- fis sure veins running parallel to each other and are vertical with fairly smooth walls on each side and reach reaching ing a depth usually or of about feet With the exception of oC ozo- ozo k these hydrocarbons are asp as- as p pl or In other words hive have au an asphalt base while the i of paraffin base and may be cons con con- s dered a natural paraffin Front From the fact act that these hydrocarbons are considered con con- to be a petroleum residue coort which the lighter fractions have volatilized some geologists believe believe be- be lieve them to be a certain Indication of br free Cree petroleum which the they believe be be- lieve exists underground throughout through through- out the Uintah basin and that this will eventually become one or of our greatest oil fields After au an intimate study of oil I am or of time the opinion opinion ion however that the or of the Uintah basin are not an indication indi- indi cation or of an oil field but that they are the result or of local occurrences occurrence of earth heat at some time in the earths earth's history history which have ha retorted Cl a portion of the oil ot of that region thereby producing petrol which has subsequently given ghen oft off its From Page One |