Show I Treating Cabbage 1 Seed Meets Favor Two Methods I Outlined for Preventing Injurious Diseases of Plant I by the United ted State Statu Department of 1 Two methods for the treatment of cabbage seed for tor the prevention of the very ery prevalent diseases blackleg and black rot are recommended by the UnIted States Department of lure as very essential and low priced insurance Mercuric MercurIc seed treatment treatment treat treat- ment Is by far th the simpler method nod and has bas practically no ill III effects on the seed Its only and limitation thIs Is often a serIous one one-Is that blackleg fungus though greatly reduced Is not entirely kIlled although black rot Is almost completely controlled When seed Is known to be entirely free from blackleg this method Is adequate but when the seed Is s known to be Infested with blackleg tIle the water hot treatment must be used It will completely control control con con- the blackleg but will reduce somewhat the percentage of germina- germina tiou How to Make Solution Mercuric corrosive e mate may be procured from any drug drugstore drugstore store In readily soluble tablet form FollowIng directions on the package make up a 1 to 1000 solution avoiding metal containers Place the seed on the center ot of a square piece of coarse cheesecloth of 01 such sIze that when the edges are drawn together and tIed the ImprovIsed sack Is not more than one one- third full Immerse In the disinfectant agitating th the seed vigorously so as to remove the air and thoroughly wet the he seed coats Soak for 30 minutes Remove Re- Re move moye rinse In clean water and allow to drain several se minutes Open the sack on a table top spreading the cloth out flat Spread the seed over the cloth In u shallow layer to farm fad tote tute drying drIng Water Hot Treatment For the water hot treatment prepare the seed In a cheesecloth sack as described descrIbed de- de scrIbed In the above method Provide o a large vessel containing water adjusted adjust adjust- ed to exactly degrees F. F a reliable thermometer and a stirrIng rod Immerse Immerse Im- Im merse the seed bag agitating the seed thoroughly and stirrIng the water slowly Keep the water temperature approximately constant by adding steam or boiling water whenever the thermometer regIsters below degrees degrees de- de grees F. F Remove the seed bag for an Instant as the water or steam Is added Sonic for 30 minutes Remove to cold coldwater coldwater water drain and spread out to dry as before I ITry Try the water hot treatment on n a small sample of the seed and run a germinatIon test to determine the percentage percentage per per- of Injury before tre treating tIng the entIre lot |