Show Tells How to Grow Grass Chicago's parks and boulevards the iwonder i wonder and admiration of all visitors are nn an illustration ot of the power of trees and grass and flowers to beautify and please Too frequently Chicago's home ho e yards are tile the opposite Too often orten the front lawn shows n a high h degree of care and attention while the backyard Is left lefta n a dreary waste The lot Is an essential part ot of the home and In the beauty of the surroundings surroundings sur- sur is enhanced the beauty and value of at the home bome itself More and more as we study the deve development de- de ve ot of ornamental gardening does the necessity and beauty of stretches of velvety vel greensward become become be- be come apparent particularly In places of at larger extent In thE small backyard backyard back back- yard of the city dwelling the grass rass problem Is more difficult than In larger places It will wUl be necessary to give more fertilizer In comparison to the grass graBS grassplot plot It if It Is de decided to grow one than to the annuals and It needs to be dug Into tile the soil soU pretty thoroughly so the roots may delve delre for It and there are also fertilizing formula to be sprinkled sprinkled sprin- sprin kled on the surface from time to time As the little backyard gets harder barder and more constant usage e than a larger place n a mixture ot of durable grass Is necessary sacrificing something In fineness of texture possibly to be as ot of fast growing close knitting grasses that form n a firm and resistant sod American |