Show 1 I o o H Ho Something to Think About I L 81 l. l A. A WALKER rr 1 THE BESTIAL PART fi e I In In the the quIet of t thome the home dome or In the whIrl of oC the noisy world the bestial part or of you Is ever striving to pull you ou down to his level llIs unalterable Je purpose i 11 to overcome overcome over over- come and disgrace man the exalted ot of creatIon made In the Ima Image e of his creator Uto to have dominion over every elry living thIn thing that upon the earth So when this beast begins to purr and rub n against you t to be petted and stroked upon Its glossy back withhold I your hand summon your your guardian angel angel an- an gel to your assistance and soar with him to a loftIer atmosphere where the envIrons Ire are sweet and clean It Is not possible to outwit and outmaneuver outmaneuver out out- maneuver the despicable invisible thing unless you ou do He Is an adept cr creature capable ot of chan changing his spots at will simu simu- lating all human humon pride emotions humility sympathy hate pity ir piety nn any anyone one of hp can cun sC when lie he suspects that thaI you are tn In n a mo moot to yield to lo his wishes So intimate Is he with your our hl desires passions and weakness weak ness that he knows when to 10 purr Ill Ile has the tho daring ot of n a lion Jilin and the Ihl humility hu- hu or of a saint lie He commends himself to tile the peoples or of the earth with the most art occupied nl night ht and ond day riving full play piny to his hll skill nod cunning cunnin Ue lie comes omes upon you when you OU would be alone when you ou would step or- or word ward t 0 rt some wrenches wrencheR you from your plen pedestal and costs casts you ou flown n so sn softly that In falling there Is nothing but hili delicIous sensations of pleasure ld ot of every semblance of rear fear or lion tion He makes makel n a good Jool job Joh or It unless h by your our superior will wll you yon shake hl hire ofT The bank ank clerk looking upon stacks of money I Is heing purred to hy by the intimate beast not y yet t sure of his victim The young man or woman who forgets forJet the tender loving pleas of his bIs or her solicitous mother Is always S 'S In dancer when lI listening to the persuasIve purr of the bea beast t feign In lug s sympathy I hea t. t said the old man Is Ic 1 stronger than I Y for Cor there ore are when I cannot shake hIm oft n lie has been the bane or of my existence the cause of m my sorrows and failures lest Jest he ruin you l I H raring hits the brute chuckled and curled up for a nap i by McClure News paper Syndicate |