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Show A Man's Time to Die, Whon n man appeared tho other day beforo. JiiBtlco Blumo, In Chicago, and asked for protection against somo neighbors who had threatened to kill htm, ''O Justice rofused to grant the request. When asked for his reasons ho said that when it "imo a man's tlmo to dlo ho would d. , and not beforo. be-foro. Ho announced hlmsolf as a fatalist and said belief came from his own oxperloncos. Ho says ho haB passed through soven accidents, threo hold-ups, one flro, two drownings, ISO falls, pneumonia, concussion of tbo brain, ar.d all tbo dangers of sovoral battles of tho civil war. "It all thow things won't kill a man," said the justice, "there Is a special Provldenci looking after him." |