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Show I DOIffG WSIffESS Iff LOffVOff Of the business life In London ol i:ila Ilawls Header. Financier. -JjjJiCj-Wllbo Tompkins writes as follows In i:v cry body's "Business In London Is dono largely over tho dinner table. .If It Is to bo tacit business, women are asked and the nff.ilr hns apparently tho brilliant Irresponsibility of any other social event, for open discussion, only men are assembled Champagne Is Inevitably Inevi-tably the ether through which alt business projects Mow. Tho rolo of Mr Sprague's new partner was largely that of hostess Kver.v one who could be of seivlce direct or Indirect, to iho Multiple Unit Control was given his chance and his dinner, and Miss Haw Is presided with a calm grace and ntver desertctl her. even when, aB often happened, she had to tnko tho tablo n lone woman with ten or n dozen doz-en men Asking brilliant companies to meet an Inventor Is not always n simple sim-ple mattpr; genius Is ns lll.cly ns not to arrive an hour or so lute, with a mind above ii polo cv and the traces of tno beloved machlner) clearly visible; but natural ease and n llrm belief In 'tho control' pulled tho voting hostess through and had her steadily In -casing Influence In Sprnguc's favor "To these dinners nnd lunches came engineers, M I"s, peers of the realm, heads of traction companies, wi tors for tho press. Miss Itnwls talked electricity and multiple unit control until she was popularl.v supposed to ho a leading nutliorltj nnd something of nn Inventor herself Of course, her good advantage lay In tho fact that tho svslem she was pushing wns as has since been proved, the best thing of Its kind vet Invented. The facts wero nil on her side; her task was to get these facts n proper hearing. For this, ber clear business head her strong grnsp on the salient nts, wero the best weapons Moreov , ns hostoss and guest she had tho gi ot lousing friendliness, nnd direct, almost al-most selfish Interest both of which inclined men to listen It was, after nil. fairly simple " |