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Show l i o WHERE IS E. PLUM! i- j E. Plum, editor and publisher of the Boyd County IteglBter, Hutto, Nebraska, Ne-braska, for soven years previous to Jllly 1st, 1905, was last seen mid heard from nt Portland, Oregon, July 2tnd, 1905. As Mr. Plum was In rather poor health at that time, It Is feared he may have becomo temporarily deranged, de-ranged, ns no posslblo cause can bu learned for his disappearance. "Mr. Plum was C feet high, weighed about 170 pounds, dark brown hair slightly gray, deep blue ejes; hud broad shroulders nnd stood erect; had two smal dark moles on left cheek; a small blue scar In forehead; quite heavy brown, slightly sandy mustache when lasfiie-en, nnd would hnv heavy beard ll'let grow. Much dark hair ou wlts, arms and body; ng 30 Mr, Plum was n prncticil mechanic Ji yill line's of nmvspnper work. "vlEfciSHablo reward will ho paid for aby', Information which will localu his whereabouts. ST Adrcsa y.' FKANK MOTHEnSEAD. 19J3 Euclid nvo., Lincoln, Nebraska M |