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Show Hit' r.trr-lllnllallril hmlitl ( llnilirrs. Ill .New Ynin the dissatisfied man 01 woman who has iiihlcved the full round of sot lei) and illsfovvretl Us lit-tei lit-tei vunll.v, If not Indeed worse, ma) Imagine, If not familial with London or Carls, that In those iltles exists a siipetlor 1 lass of men and women, iiioie lulcllis Itial and less brutal than tlio.c of whom he knows. The Chleugomi, unfamiliar with New oik, hope to ills over lu Miinhiittaii something dlf fereiit from thai which Is lo be found In the Western ell). The iisldent of Omaha perhaps thinks Ilia. If she tmild attain Chicago she would find h"t Ideal soclet). Ill Hustings, Nell., doubtless doubt-less time me ver.v man) who think II would be a hem on lo ittaln social prominence In Oniaha. Ami out on the prairie are scattered hamlets In width iiiiiii) social!) ambitious .voting girls ami itiotheis look lowatil Hastings us a sotlnl .Mecca. It all -einlnds one of tho translation of Omar's lines. "Till on the still) top of heaven's stair. (learc)ed 1 lisiked and laughed ami (llinbid no more" John llrlsbcn Walker, in Cosmopolitan |