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Show . llio 1Ti.ll llr.lrr llmi.r. Ill Hie following lulcf at title trom the orlh I.'ast llreere on Ihe Mull Older Ol-der House Is food for a whole lot of thought and lellectlou When the latalogue tsinios from )olir mall older 1ioiim iliaw an easy chair to the table wheie the light will shine full on the pages and put on ought ou-ght ssch, that 110 Inn gains inn) escape jour c)c. What a wonderful book it Is lo In- sine wonderful In what It does not lontalii ns well us what II does. We miss some things we would be glad lo see. Where Is their offer lo pn) ensh 01 to cxcliniigc goods for )our wheat, oats, corn, beans, butlei. eggs and hay' How much do they pa) for cattle cat-tle nud sheep f. o. b. .vour dipotV How 111111I1 Inx will Hie) pa) lo support )our schools and educate )our dill ill en? Tor Improving loads ami bridges, for support of the lountv, for the expense of running Ihe business of the township, to'iint) nutl State? On what page tin the) offer to con tribute inoiie) to support the chinch'' What line of credit will the) ctcud to )ou when iur crops are pool and money gone; when through Illness or misfortune ) oil nre not able to semi "cash with ordei" for )our groterle. clothing, farm tools and crnchci)) Wheie is their offer to )olir entertain incut next Tom 111 of Julv .' In short, will the) do mi) thing to provide 11 market for what ,vou have to sell, nud I hereby keep up the value of )our leal estate? Will they tin an)-thing an)-thing for niclol. 1 hurt li. mhool or government gov-ernment stippoit or do the) take .vour dollars out of Ihe commiiiill) with ihi leturiis except the goods )ou till) ? |