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Show HAMMOND, CHAIRMAN. Tho Republican State committee on Tuesday last chose Hon. Jnmes T. Hnmmoml as chairman with power to select his own secretary. It was greatly against tho gcntloman'B wish, but on learning that ho was not compromised com-promised In any way nnd thnt ncccpt-inco ncccpt-inco would Involve no change of at-tltudo at-tltudo or views on his part, he decided de-cided to accopt. A miro Judicious, diplomatic proceeding pro-ceeding could not havo been taken. There is not a more upright. Independent, Inde-pendent, earnest man in the Republican Repub-lican party, or any other, than Mr. Hammond. Ho desires, nnd has all ilong doslredr above all merely Hellish consideration, tho furthernnco of Republican Re-publican principles and tho prosperity of tho Republican organization. In which Important respects ho Is so much nt varlanco with those who havo been In control for some time that It was hardly believed so sensible, sensi-ble, so proper a thing as his appointment appoint-ment wns possible If oven probable, ind It foil upon us llko tho proverbial shaft of lightning out of tho traditional tradition-al unclouded sky. No mnttcr; It camo rod Is Just as welcomo as If It had been expected. Hammond's appointment means a concession to tho great mass of Republicans Re-publicans which In turn means a chnngo of front nnd esprit du corps which tho ranks havo long unknown. Hope, withering, had poised her drooping wings for flight nnd tho gaunt spectra of defeat beckoned tho tattered remnant on to Its last rally. Not even tho stimulation afforded by cheering words reached tho cars of what was still entitled to bo considered consid-ered a wing of tho grand army. Ah, well, It Is different now. How different, differ-ent, wo don't know, but it certain!) Is tho difference between tho execution execu-tion of a ecntenco and the granting of a new trial the dlfferenco between a chance for llfo nnd tho certainty of death. Depend upon It that tho most will bo mado of tho opportunity, that the vantngo ground gained will be held and no stops backward will bo taken. It Is not n propor thing to Introduce n skeleton nt a banquet, or dwell upon a gloomy retrospection when a change for the hotter has taken placo. Still, a word by way of rovlow nt this point may havo n good offect, oven this point havo a good offect even though It may hero and thoro lo placed before unwilling eyes, From Its Inception nearly a year ago this llttlo paper In a spirit of friendliness friendli-ness nnd with an unselfish desire to promote tho welfnro of tho Republican Republi-can party urged that steps bo taken, that concessions bo made, that means of conciliation bo adoptod, whereby i the Utah department of tho great organization or-ganization could bo unified, or at least Its entitles bo toss antagonized than was tho case. These efforts attracted attention and rccolved notice; ono element, realizing tho correctness and aptness of our position, wero rejoiced that oven In this humble and restricted re-stricted way tho truo political gospel found a voice; the othor and controlling controll-ing clement had no uso for such "chat-tor," "chat-tor," and no words but thoso of contempt con-tempt for tho medium which gavo It expression. Even that, adding as it did the discouragement of shrunken patronago to tho dlscomflturo of slighting slight-ing treatment from thoso who personally person-ally had always been regarded and treated as friends, did not crush tho struggling production nor squeeze Its audacious conductors out of tho field. They stayed. Thoy nro hero yet, doing do-ing business at the old stand. But tho other peoplo hnvo moved at last and praises to Allah! moved In tho right direction. Thoso responsible for the Imported Journal conducted at a ruinous Ions, brought on to obscure and set aside all local talent In showing tho denizens of tho wild and woolly wilderness how Ropubllcnn newspapers newspa-pers should bo conducted, havo met up with a Jostlo llko unto tho collision of a freight train with a sand bank. And this Is enough on that BUbJcct. Now for a long pull, a strong pull and a pull altogether In which performance perfor-mance this paper will be on hand to contrlbuto Its mite, as it has evor done. |