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Show I Rejuvenated Alta. I A Short Sketch of the Famous Mining I District Past and Present. H BHRTjiffTfflBRjIil' 3tfct mJf &jwhiKy nPWK&t&m STARTING OF THE MAIN TUNNEL OF THE COLUMBUS CON. SEVER L YCARO AGO. M (Continued From Our Last.) B Though only flva years old, tlio Co- H lumbtiB Con. lias produced over $500,- B 000 worth of ore, and Is now sending H In tho neighborhood of 1,800 tons to tho smelters n month. PJ Though tho ores of tho Columbus nre HH In tho main high grade, thcro Is In H tho upper workings of tho mlnu nn P enormous tonnngo of milling ore. This H Is Increased ns development l pushed. Knougli, however, aro nlready uncov- ored to keep tho mill running an In- rieflnlto period to Its full capacity Theso concentrates, when placed upon HH tho market, sell for moro than enough to pay all tho running expenses of tho mine. When It Is understood that HH thcro Is nn avcrago of 125 men em- ployed In and mound tho mine, not to mention tho fifty teams nnd teamsters hauling tho oro to tho sampler, tho H valuo of this output Is at onco seen. HH Not only havo tho Jacobson boys en rlchcd themselves by opening tho Co- tubus; tlioy havo dono more. They havo proven tho valuo of up-to-dato management In mining, and havo been tho means of rejuvenating Alta mln- Ing district. Tho camp wan to all In. tents and purposes dead When they entered It and It now promises to bo one of tho great mining districts of west. A NEEDED IMPROVEMENT. The Continental Alta's President Pro. Jecting a Railroad Ui Little Cottonwood. It was a red lettor day In tho history his-tory of Utah when Henry M. Crowthor took up his rosldenco here. It was also n great day for tho Alta mining district when ho decided to turn his attention to tho ground now known as tho Continental Alta. Slnco that time over threo yenrs ago, ho has bent all his energies In tho direction of de-veloplng de-veloplng tho camp, nnd has been tho means of bringing many thousands of dollars Into tho stntc. Tho latest of bis enterprises Is to project tho building of n railroad up tho canyon to Alta. In tho old days, when tho enmp was pouring out Us wealth of carbonnto ores to tho valley smelters a trnmwny wns operated to tho camp. Largo portions of the trnck-ago trnck-ago of this old tram aro still In tact Tho great slump In tho prlco of motnls In tho early nineties, which caused tho abandonment of tho mines led to tho discontinuance of Its tiso. Tho land slides- and avalanches of succeeding winters toro grcnt gaps Into tho road and rendered It useless ns a means of communication between tho mountain camp nnd tho valloy. Today with tho great Columbus Consolidated, and other mines besides that of tho Continental Con-tinental Alta pouring out their ores, nnd tho constant development of new mines nddlng their quota to tho over-Increasing over-Increasing output of tho old producers, n railroad l-as become a necessity. Nono nro quicker to grasp n situation situa-tion than Mr. Crowthcr, and ho Is now engaged In financing tho schomo. Tho road will bo ono of great difficulty, diffi-culty, frnm an engineering standpoint, to construct Tho grades aro In many places loo great to admit of tho uso of tho ordinary locomotive engine, and a cog wheel will havo to bo resorted to, Still, tho enterprise) Is not Impossible Impos-sible by any means, and with Its projector's pro-jector's known ability nnd push thcro Is no question but that It will be fn accomplished fact In tho near future. That tho cnterprlso will bo a paying ono thero can bo no question. Today, with nil tho nvallablo teams in commission com-mission hauling oro, tho output of tho mines Is circumscribed nnd many tons of oro aro being piled upon tho dumps or stored In bins nnd drifts for tho lack of tho moans,, of transportation. This conjested condition will bo ngravatcd as tho months go by. Tho best hopes of all tho minors and tho entire people go with Mr. Crowthcr in his endeavors In tho direction of this most needed Improvement. |