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Show A MON8TER ENTERPRISE. The Continental Alta as a Present and Future Bonanza Mine. WILL PRODUCE THROUGH A CENTURY. Ably Managed and Finely Equipped Its Future Is Assured. One of the Great Ore Producers of the Camp. Among tho great mines of thestato tho Continental Alta may safely bo placed. It Is a mlno with a history, both past and present Its futuro Is also assured. When the camp was In tho heyday of Its earlier productiveness productive-ness tho ground under tho nntno of tho Lavlna nnd Grizzly groups wns pouring out Its metallic wealth In a continuous stream and enriching Its owners by thousands monthly. Then came tho great slump in tho prlco of motnls and tho property becaino In-nctlvo In-nctlvo until aroused to lifo by tho genius of Henry M. Crowthcr. Tho mlno Is situated ut tho extrcmo head of tho Llttlo Cottonwood enn-on enn-on and overlooks tho great Park City district as well na that of Dig Cottonwood, which latter Is oven now taking a commanding position among tho mining districts of tho stnto. Tho property consists of many mining claims, all of which nro highly mineralized min-eralized nnd aro Intersected by Immense) Im-mense) fissures bearing great bodies of oro. Tho groat vein along which aro situated tho Columbus Con., tho Emma, Alta Continental, City Hocks and other big mines of tho district, traverses tho territory nnd Innumerable Innumer-able cross fissures as well as contiguous contig-uous veins mnko tho mountain ono of oro. Theso oro bearing channels havo only been explored as yet above tho sulphide zono. This has been accomplished ac-complished by tho means of tunnels, shafts and drifts until tho upper portion por-tion of tho mlno Is ono completo network net-work of underground channels Though mnny of theso were mndo under tho old regime, tho oro bodies they exposed wero not In nny manner man-ner depleted. In fact only tho very highest grade of tho carbonates wero sent to tho smelters, leaving tho drifts In mnny Instances filled with oro which under Improved methods of treating and smelting, proves to bo pay rock of high valuo. Besides this, tho mlno contained vast bodies, oven In tho old workings, of milling ore, which Is now being treated and (Continued In Our Next.) |