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Show MORt THAN MONEY. A Minister Talks About Grape-Nuts. "My first Btomnch troublo bogan hack in 1895," writes a mlnlstor in Nobr.; "rosultlng from hasty eating mid eating too much. I found no ro- from mcdlcino and grow to had ht all food gave mo great distress. "It was that soro. gnawing, hungry fooling in my Btomnch that was so dlBtrossIng nnd I bocamo a elcV. man. Grape-Nuts was rocomraended as a food that could bo easily t'l-eutod. "Leaving tho old diet that given mo bo much troublo, I bogt . eat Orapo-Nuts with a llttlo cream nnd sugar. Tho chango effocted In 24 hours was truly romarkable, and in a few wooka I was back to health again. "My work as a mlnlstor calls mo away from homo a great deal, and recently re-cently I drlftqrt hack to fat moat and Indigestible foods, which put mo again on tho sick list "So I wont back to Orapo-Nuts and. cream and in four days I was r fight again. The old dull hcadk- i aro gone, stomach comfortable ad clear, and It is a dollght tt usuo my 8Uidlcs and work. "arapo-Nuta food is worth moro than monoy to mo, and I hopo this may induco somo sufferer to follow the eamo course I havo." Name given by Postum Co., Battlo Crook, Mich. "There's a reason." Ilad tho llttlo book','"Thsj Road to WoUviUe," In pkgs. -i liMil.iJaTJMlM |