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Show QA8 USED UNDER LIME KILNS. Innovation by Connecticut Company la a Success. The New England Llmo company, at Wlnstoad, Conn., asserts that It la the first to Introduce gas as fuel foi time burning. Tho method is pro nounced an entlro success. Tho growing grow-ing scarcity of wood fuel led to tho discovery of gas as a substitute for wood, and tho company no loneor considers con-siders the cas method an experiment. Tho efficacy and reliability ot ' gas have been demonstrated beyond a doubt. Had It been lmpoeslblo to And a substitute for wood, said a member ot the company, it would have meant tho restriction and perhaps tho total abandonment ot tho business, das Ores are absolutely cloan at all times no clinkers and no cinders and tho lime produced Is much whltor than that burned by wood. Gag also pro-. pro-. duces a moro Intenso heat, and conse quently Increases tho capacity of tbo kilns. The dally output at tbo company's com-pany's kilns Is Increased from 80 barrels bar-rels por kiln to 100 barrels, or a total ot 700 barrels dally. |