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Show SCHOOL NOTES. Mrs. Charles Corfleld vva a vlnltor laet week. The manual training detriment In now busy making Ironing hoards. It I generally conceded that King I toil o 1 the best-nntured boy In school. The sixth grade has missed David I'eterson for thtfpoit week. David took week oft to visit Salt Lake The sixth guide seems to lie the hummer hum-mer when It e'ome to work! however, they are not remarkable for high grade In deportment. The average dally attendance for the month or Januury was 191. ror the mime month last ) ear It waa 12. The school, at least, I not on the decline. Only three succeeded In January In enrolling their name on the roll or honor, and these were lEdlth AUIknIi Nellie Spargo and llelle llrynnt The school expect to receive three! new dictionaries and several llbiary, bookp soon. The school board has been very generous Jn auppl)lng ever) thing, needed The pupil ranking hlgheet In the prlncliwl' rteom for the month of J inn ury were llelra ftoodntan, Jamea Spend love, Delpha Serin. Hdllh Atxboih und May Timinlii Four or them ha.' been among th Immortal five aev.-rd ttiuea before. The follow I nit" pupil have Ih-. n nb sent during traj present school m n Dominic Dsioiruul, Ida Dennett l'.lw ir 'ox, Nellie 8rgo. Ilelva Goodman Delpha Beren. Jain 8Hndlov e K.nih Atabarh All IQew have made v. . I lent proa-res daring the year Attendum i 11 been qllile l.uutut ellli-e th- liolitl')s due. douhllesn tn j the gtiod I, mil Jiioue mid on Januai) 1st Few n mot, to think what hu.i,1 nt i. n i i in. ml tu the pupils I Whet, a i hi i .in ..in tr a day he Is Ihrbwn back nt lenst two ilii). situ e It take n day after returning for re adjustment to the new lewnnn The teacher must take the time belonging to the e la lo explain the previous leneun to th one pupil. In thin way the pupil bee-omen a hindrance to the c lasn. lose Interest In his work and rot in bad habits The lenn or strict intention to btisltie. punctuallt). consideration for other, obedience nnd self-confidence ate more valuable than all contained con-tained In the arithmetic nnd grammar |