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Show LAND IlECLAMATION. The paternal effoita nf the (lovtm-mi (lovtm-mi nt to provide for the recUimatlon of mllllona of aire In the arid nnd semi-arid semi-arid leglona of the Went will result In more beiiellcrnt reward than nny men-mire men-mire It hn hmur or mind ' for the .iilvancement of (he people. Theee ef-foitn ef-foitn luftnid the utabllshment nf homes, wheie solitude i.nw relgm. the idiitli'iMiim and rapid Incraarr In the v..lur of Und, the emancipation rrom poveity tlleense nnd crime, an well ar eaiape rrom prematurv death, of thnu-sundH thnu-sundH who nuw lnft the alumn nnd iveruuwded tenement districts of our areut cities. If colonisation nc hemes shull be Inuumrattd by the Oovem-ment Oovem-ment tr reatmnsible companies, and Ihiae unfortunates be Induced to shake off tuelr chains. Htnllslli lun tell us that In thin broad land we nu) And 10.000.ii0g human btlniea without ellhi r eimugh to i at or to wear; that n tin. I In iwnn l,n),aoe and ( oikhiihi .,m. o ami ihn drta giaves) t ih. AeiiiaK eiiop. ..r whkh there m. 'itmw ir , w lirki iri alone In the tenementn of New York four fnmlllea now live on a floor. Mr Jacob IUIs telle us that In one email block, the aire of whlih In 200x800. there In a population of JJ4I human nouln, or n rate per ncre of 1774, nnd thirty per cent of thoe who die In that city nre burled In quicklime In the potter' field llut there Ii nlno nnother block a enth of a mile airotn and' a twentieth up nnd down In which, ns revealed by the lant cennun, over 4000 human helngn are huddled together Think of It! And thin Is but little worne than la to be found In Chlcngo and other populous center of the euunlry Here Infantile life perlnhe before II firm nnnlver-enry nnnlver-enry Vouth In ugly with loathsome disease dis-ease Decrepitude of age In found at thlity They perlnh from "Tenant-House "Tenant-House Hot " The gieat majority are undergoing n slow decomposition, a true eremacnusln the chemists tall It the) nre quietly burning to death Such enndlllon nn thene ale nurely sufficient Incentive for the (loveinment tn provide a vvny of ewnpe. let the ecet he what It inn) The) engender the germs nf e rime, annuity nnd ultimate ulti-mate levnlutlon and unlen the) nre eradicated, the very lire or the nation will be emrangeied. Ilee puliation nnd colonisation of the West npieori tn mean not only redemption of the land, but the very salvation nf the nice The not Inconeldernble benefit which various va-rious communltle, such n our In I'tnh eimnty, will thu eomomltantl) receive, are a nothing tn thin, and It behoove every one whonv nld and m-nperntlon are neceiwiry In enable the (loveinment to eonsummnte the vast project that nre proponed along this line, to give that nld nnd eo-operatlon with undue delay The word of the poet I.owell neein l be npplionble toda) us the) were lift) )Hiir ago ( lit nf the land nf lumdaxe 'Un decreed our slave shall ao. Anil lnn to u are nftrl. ns ert to t'harwati ... If we are blind. Ihelr ex.Hlua. like Israel' if nre. ... ThmUKh Iteil Sea I diaiineil to tie. wnoee nurgen Hie uf gore |