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Show H IIAVi: YOU INDKIDHTION' 3V.V.V.VM If nu have IndlKeillon. Koilol Uyvpep- H ln Cure will cure nu. It hna curetl H thoueanda. It In curing people every KVBVBV day every hour. You one It to your- H tielf to Klve It n trial. You will cnntln- 1 ue to nutTer until ou do try It. Thee Fi' In no other combination of dlReitunle M I that dlKeet and rebuild nt the name B. 1 time KimIoI iloei both. Koilol curen, V jj Ktiengthenn nnd rebuild. Hold by B E Mercur Meat A Oro. Co., Stockton, tVaBV fl Utah. IBBSBm 8 Mercur Drux Co., Mercur, Utah. IVfVfVAl M. K. Ilrown. Stockton, Utah. H Dr. L. G. Thayer, J H 71 rHvmoiN AND pi -f 8UHQION.... H I Main Street. Mercur. B I DR. F. M. DAVIS, . ' I 1 PHYSICIAN AND ,1 ! " aUMQION H :: Stockton, - - ; Utah. :: TJ - HI I etv?2.)'".iltli. t H XrSf' lets. ui4 a. HH i Dr. Samuel II. Allen. V' T '" oirr. uth. HB y OfflrellouraSto t p m. r V I Olllce, 309-311 Dc.tret Newt Bldg. t B I W,H-H-t-r-M- KJ J. E. TfllT- ' K ...DENTIST... r ! Alt eperatlODt In Deotlilry Selettta. X iiiH . . cally 1'erforued X j. ) Dliinilly Down the ttreil f rem Pi, tonic. T H -H"H-'H"H-H"M""H-"H HH-t-K B; I I RICHARD GUNDRY, H' I X NOTAPIV H All Duiu of Lei at Oiulaeaa HH I BHEaiDASATE. BTOOrtOS. ;; B -H--M-r-l HWfwwtw B $ L. ILQRAY, L-'' I jai StKOriwClty. :: K I W. 11. PECKIIAM, Hft , BOOT AND SHOI PPpBj? MkKlltaoluai K . : : i;'okpij' m. m mi H - H rom in H :: SADQLE HORBEO OR V. .f ;: LIVERY RIQS -- ;; H : : n. iim I Sen's Llrcrg ttaDle. ' E . .- ........i............ . a ttttttttttttttti i i ihttii ? PPpBI I wiiaaaia-ii . n twin. mmmtmtaBO H I 2 Nothing hits ever equalled k.t W Nothing can ever mirpais it H ' Dr. King's B New Oisoovery i Vnr iynvlrio)t rri,. ft VUMH WtAII.W y !A T"rfect For All Throat and B C-'-e t Lung Trouble!. - .... . k If It f .III. Trial Osttlei free. I B M'' HBB taM IIRI.1KP IN ONK MINUTK One Minute CoilRh Cure ulven relief In one minute, becaune It kllln the mUinbe which tickles the inui'nua membrane, cnuHlmr the couKh. nnd nt the name time rlenra tho phlegm, draw out the Inflammation nnd henln nnd nnnthes the urfected partm. One Minute CouKh Cure ntrenKthenn the lunun, wnrdn off pneumonia pneu-monia nnd In a harmlenn nnd never-fiilllnit never-fiilllnit cure In all curnble canen of CouRhn. Coldn and Croup. One Minute Cough Cure la plennanl to tnke. harmlenn harm-lenn und Rood nllke for young nnd old Sold by Mercur Meat and dm. Co. nnd M 1" llrnwn, Stockton. Mercur Drug Co., Mercur. I'tah A MOTIIKII'8 ItnCOMMnNDATION. I have lined Chnmberlaln'a Cough Ilemedy for n number of yenra nnd have nn henltnncy In nnlng that It la tile bent remedy for coughn. coldn and croup 1 have ever uned In my family I have not wnrdn to exprenn my mnil-dence mnil-dence In thlK remedy Mrn J. A. Moore, North Star. Mich. For nale by Mercur Drug Co, M. 1. Brown, huKkton, Utah. AN 13AIII.Y HISKIl. A strong, healthy, active cnnntltutlnn dejiendn largely on tho condition of the liver. The famous little pill known an DeWltf Utile Hnrly Itlser not only elennee the ytem, but they lrength-on lrength-on the action of the liver anil rebuild the tissue supporting that organ. I.H-tln I.H-tln Karly ltlner nre eay to net, they never gripe nnd )et they are absolutely absolute-ly certain to produce renult that nre satlsrnctory In nil enne. Sold b) Mercur Meat nnd Oro. Co. and M. K. Brown, Stockton. Mercur Drug Co.. Mercur. Utah. KHCAI'KD AN AWFPI. FATK Mr. II Haggln or Melbourne. Fla.. write: "My doctor told me 1 had Con-sumption Con-sumption and nothing could he done lor me. I wnn given up tn die. The offer of n free trlul bottle nf Dr. King' New Discovery for Consumption Induced In-duced me to try It. Itenull were ttnr-tllng. ttnr-tllng. I nm nnw on the rnnd to recovery recov-ery nnd owe nil In Dr. King' New Discovery. Dis-covery. It surely saved my life" Thla great cure I guaranteed for nil throat nnd lung diseases by utl druggists. I'rle-e 60c und M.O0 Trial bottle free NOTICK. During our absence any business transacted with W. II. Peckham ror us will be O. K. The gentleman will receipt tor money due the office, will take orders for Job printing, etc, Jamce T Jakeman, Manager When discontinuance la destted, please notify us by mall. All arrearage ar-rearage must be paid. When you feel blue and that every-1 thing goen wrong, tnke n done of Clinm-berlnln' Clinm-berlnln' Stomach and I.lver Tablet They will clenn and Invigorate your stomach, regulote your bowels, give )ou n relish for yotte food and mak you feel that tn this nld world Is a good place to IIvb, For sale by Mercur Drug ("o. M. K, rirowntockton. Utah. SPECIAL LAND nUYEnS1 ENCUIt- SIONS Will run to th new land of Orer county, Okla., nnd other sections of the great Southwest In November nnd December, De-cember, via the Frisco system Are you looking for rl"h and fertile fnrmlnir landn In the Southwest which you can buy for from one-fourth to one-. tenth the cost nf lands In the Hast nnd , North They produce a much nrro for acre. Here In a chance to better your I condition nnd add n liberal amount to your pneketbook. I For full particulars and special railroad rail-road rate apply nt once to It B Imon, necretary Frisco Syntem Immigration Immi-gration Bureau, St. Louis. Mo UNION MERCANTILE CO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL Dealorj tn General Merchandise, Mining and Ranch Supolies. Iflfif nSTv MJ' Heroulet Powder and BiS ii '-i ( Anheuser-Busoh 's StJLaals Meat Market in West Annex. One Price to All! THE NAME, PLEASE 8 8 J' Tell tnc the name and addles or j, jeiiir rrlend In the Vmrl vvImi might be ' 4) Induceel tn eomn Went thl summer. I VJJ a will rurnlsh him. or her, with ceunplett Jf liifuriiiatlon ugardlng the low excursion ui AM rate nnd the best toutes, reserve. iKrths, 6! W and do ever) thing powlble tn ttiukv )nur ifl W frlenef Journey eotnfnrtable nnd plents. sSt, I ""' ' S 12 Plyer for Omaha and Cldesian lewvei Wl yfi n.-nver at I III p m. and WIS p. in.; far 81. fl? lit J... o i Kiioniin Clt) and St. l,oul nt lino 'A M i n and lo v. p m Ml J2 o onMn O IZ H'Uu1LUU1J R. F. NESLEN, General Ajent ja 1 0 'tmiH 79 Wet Second South Street, ( O HlIUjlkH Salt Lake City. jlaaaisaasasjaagj IsjaatBBacaoasBssasas9rsEXBSBsaKasanBBaiaBsaasBBBBaasBassBBssBi ROBERT E. PICiCLE j STATIONERY CONFECTIONERY NOTIONS .... A fall llns ef Btatlea- Ths buttest a4 nl sloek A ttUUMof Ifetnaa. 3 ery AU iba Issatag o! Cuafsclloasry la Msr- CUin, Tobuooe uj 0 psrtoKals, tar Bsuksrs' Oaoda I Agency Troy Steam Laondiy. IHISTXZ HERCDH, Salt Lake and Mercur Railroad mmm , BAL.T UvKE UERCUn TIUECAJID lO.-OO.... Manning ...,tM " Vfni. East. " :.... Palrflsld ,...! Xl Arrlr. 10; Mercur :18 LeT ' JACODB, Oan, laaaac. Lmt 10.:0.. Summit Jet.. .JOS " Bait l-k City. Shoes for Men. I T"BliCa bit HHjB faneiai anm.TY salaW Bradley & MtcTCALr Compaiir milwaukhV. - vns. rOrtBALBBY William Bnifnts. Ooldan Oata Caak Store. r-t HI l"-MiiM--'l FRED. WITTICH, '' . thi kiADiNa TONBOtiiauaT in ;; X Msaoun. A. . i Tks Dmi of Work Obtainable. Hair T aaa llstrds Trimmed la Iba irj X UtMt. tip-to-elsM slylM. , I BasnArar' lomsireei. j; Aktab ioodlaf ikctrk wi4 0terivMm Mft? Bttkir uertAin ir eptntita fr h h tva idtaniei H prbblr llnJtU. tonmta ila Uont atrtotT fon0dit.avL HANOBOOK oa f4UaU M i rrM. tflilMt r-jroncy for iariu( rttu k'a,uit Uk; tbrottila MMoa AV r-MTr MUl tk, wliboist ftbavr, tm U t Scientific Jlmcricaii. AhB1fm1r lllittt4 wMilr, Triwt nt MlillOT 4f ftair HniA tiiaratvl. ?tri, (1 a 1 IftfS frf mOQtM.IL aWHpfaUl 1r. Easy Pill I' Easy lo take and titf to act Is that famous llllla pill DeWIU's Llltla Early Risers. This Is du Is B the (act that they tonlo the liver In- B ataad o( putflnf II, They nevar trip nor sicken, not even the most dellcal lady, and yet they are so certain In results that no one who uses them Is dlssppolnlid. They cur torpid liver, conjtlpitlon, biliousness, Jsundlce, headache, malaria and ward ell paats-monla paats-monla and fsvsrs. risrsssa oblt bt X. C. SaWITT CO., CUICAOO I Don'l Forgot thi Ham, ffi Early Risers DeWIU's IT.'i.r Salvs For Plies, Burns, Sores .. Illinois Central Railway. UITICIKNTI.T BERVEB A VAB1 TEItKIITOIlT lly through strvlc to and from ta following cities. Omaha, Nab. Chicago, 111. Bt. Paul, Minn. Bt. Louie, Slow Minneapolis, Minn Peoria, III. Xanaaa City, Mo. Xvanavllle, IneJ. Memphis, Tsnn. Nashville, Tens. Cincinnati, Ohio, Atlanta, Oa. Xioulsvllls, Kjr. JacksonvllK TU Jfsw Orleaaa, La. Vlckaburr, Mlaa Wstkly through service between ChJ-cato ChJ-cato anj between Cincinnati And tha Pacific Coast and Montaa Territory. Connections at that terminal Um tha EAST, BOUTtfWBBT AKD MOUTH. Fast and Handsomely EetQlppad) Steam Heated Trains Dlr.lna Car Duffst-Ltbrkxy Cara Bleeplna; Cans-. rre nscllnlnc Chair Cara. Ask ticket street for tickets vts. On It.I.lNfllB CHNTP.AI, RAILJtOAD, c apply to j. a. rourr,, j t n- jnl g, Bt Bait Lai CM, Henil n postnl-card for it sample coiy JbbABJbm of The Semi-Weekly Salt Lake Tribune l Then )nu will tie sure to accept II jBjVBBBBj remarkable offer tn semi ynu the paper twice a weef-.ror almost a )ear and a jYjSjVjYM! hair ror ii 4. i H THNDI1NCV OF T1IK TIMT-S iaiaH', The tendency of medical science Is ) tovard preventive measures. The best wjpajVaL thought of the world Is being given to H the BUbJect. It Is easier and better to prevent thnn to cure. It has been fully demonstrated that pneumonia, one of the most dangerous disease that tr.edl- cnl men have to co 'nil with, can Ihj prevented by the Uk Chamberlain' Cough Itemedy I'lieumonla always re- suit from n cold or from nn attack of Inllucncn (grip), nnd It has been ub- n served that this remedy counteract M any tendency of these diseases toward pneumonia. This has been fully proven I In many thousands or en Hen In which I this reuiedy hn been used during tho I great prevalence of colds and grip In i recent years, nnd can be relied upon I with Implicit confidence Pneumonia 1 often result from u slight cold, when l no danger Is apprehended until it I suddenly discovered that there Is fever J and dllllrtilty In breathing nnd pain In the chest then It Is announced that the patient has pneumonia. He on the nnfe Hide and take Chnmberlain't) Cough Heniedy it noon an the cold Is contracted con-tracted It nlwnys cures. For sale by Mercur Drue Co. M II. Ilrown, Stockton, Utah TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets, All ilrugglst lefund the money If It Inlli to cure n, W, drove' signature nn each box. 2Sc. 1 VP flM 8011 Lote nniinwn TIME CARD. 'JUtlons Dally, jfBJ A, M - "J LvHalt Lake City 7:30 1 Lehl Junction 8;e0 u Cedar Fort : i Fairfield 8:15 LvFalrfleld , 9.35 . ArMereur (B. L. & M.) 10:45 i LvFlve Mile Paaa ;( I, Hush Valley .viToJS .1. Del Monte .7..lo3Tsi,k Doremua 10:40 Houltsr Summit , 10:60 fc- Tlntlc Junction 11:15 T1 r. M. I A. M. I I.TTIntlc Junction , 11;15 j Houlter Summit , i;:S5 f Doremua MM ; Del Monte j;is I Hush Valley t:j5 1 Five Mile Pass 2.-00 I Arralrflelrl , 2.20 Lt Mercur (S, L. & M.) 2:10 ArFalrfleld , s;j Lvralrfltld j;3i) Cedar Fort JM5 Lehl Junction ;J0 Trains at Salt Lake make direct con- ArSalt Lake City 6:J5 ' P. M. election for all points north and east. E. W, OILLETT, General Paasengtr Agent. j. u iioonu. Commercial Agent. BALT LAKE & MERCUR TIMECAHD West Ea.t. Arrive 10.45 Mercur 2:10 Leave trfave 10-20.. ..Summit Jct.,..2:2S " 10.00.,., Manning ....3:03 ' ' :... Fairfield 3:St Arrive J. 0. JACOBS, Oen, Manager, b'alt l.nko City. QEOROE HATTON, Stocks and nonds, 4B East Sad South Street, Salt Lake OJty. Commission chance.) threM-rourihai af one par vent. CVrtm, i. - ajaal "IS sw. |