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Show PLEA3ANT ORAVE LOCALS. William Kirk and wife have reiently. returned from fntlfornla. whither lhe went on plenntir bent. It In lepnrtod that lanihn In Cedar und Itunh valleTi are nunVrlng from "Hire ii'outh," and theep are being tninvil out of Itunh valley farther went, where cotv-dltlunn cotv-dltlunn are more fivvoinlile. Iteirtn rrom the denert nre irnte than unually natlnfactory. The Dltkernnii rotary engine, whlih In being innatrurted In thin city, will be leudy for the llnnl tent. II In mid III n nhort time. The Invvntorn of thin engine believe that they will make n Having of fuel tn h tonnldernble extent, ex-tent, and If the Dual tent prove thin to be n fact, the nucrena of the Invention. Inven-tion. Ill Itn extensive manufacture. In predicted an nure The engine, whlth Is duly patented In owned by Arthur Olikernnu the Inventor. II I), lluley. N M Ambrose und K J Wild nf Amer-ban Amer-ban Fork The annual ball pnd wupper of the Maccabees, tent No 15. wan held last Tucadav In the Appullo hall nf thin illy. It being a function Inntltulid for the IvemlU nf the order, the proceed" going tn the general fund. There were 1J5 coil-plea coil-plea present, bealdea fifty extra hidlen, and toward 11 o'clock fully 300 mt down tn nupper, enndwlches, tea, coffee, cocoa und other light refreshmenta being served under the direction nf MrK Carl Dickered!. Hay Clardnn und athcrn aa-slrted aa-slrted at the tablet The floor management manage-ment waa In the hands of Mr T. I.. Steele who acquitted himself with excellent ex-cellent tact and Judgment, no that the large awemblage wnn more thnn usually usual-ly deftly handled The American Fork tent ha a membership of seventy, nnd imjs Insurance of KOO up to liono at ileath John Wagstaff Is cotnnmnder, F W Wright, lieutenant-commander. J J Meicer, sergeant, and F. W. Donne record-keepei |