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Show A Professional Nurse Tells Her E perlence With Doan's Kidney Pills. I Muntngue, Mats. jj Foatcr-Mllburn Co . lluffnlo, N. Y. ' S Clcntlemen I heartily wish those W who are suffering from backache and J disturbed nctlon ot the kidneys would 1 try Dunn's Kidney Tills. As was the tV case with me, they will be moro than S surprised with tho results. I had been m troubled for )ears vvtth jai-Jl' JL could not lie on either side. TO"1v cramps would follow and words cnyJdJaJWseW not explain tho agony which I would ' T endure. While In theso cramps t T could not speak or move, but by inak- A Ing a great effort after the cramp bad M left mo I could begin to apeak and JH movo a little, but my whole back was vataaaaaaaal so sore and lame that I could not H even have the back bathed for some Laaaaaal lime. My nerves wero In a terrible i ttato. 1 would rather sit up at night j than go to bed, dreading the cramps and tho terrible backaches I consult- I ed phslctans, but got only a little relief for the time being Seeing your advertisement, my mother urged me T to try Doan's Kidney l'llls After . using one box I was better, and have ever slnco been on the gain. 1 have no backache and no cramps now and - ' I feel like a new person My nerves ( aro better and I know my blood Is purer. Word cannot express my thanks to )nu for what Doan's Kidney . l'llls have done for me. In my work I at profosalnnnt nurse 1 hnve a chance 1 In recommend them, and thoy did me ' so much good that I will do so on every poslblo nccaBlon T IIATTIi: lmiHIIAM, Nurse. ' Doan's Kidney l'llls aro sold at 60 .- -centa per box Address Fostcr- Mllburn Co Iluffaln N. Y for a free , trial bov. |