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Show jHHV ! II.I in jHV Cullings From Our Exchanges BB , STOCKTON LOCALS. HH j The llonerlne mill In rllly nenrlng Bm completion Htf Minn Anna Mclntnnh linn been eiulle BJBHHI Mr. 11. V. Ilrnlen 1fIIk1 relative In f the ciipltal clt) thin week. B Mian Stella Ferr) of Ilellevue. Ida. Is H -v letting her sinter. Mr. C. J. Stlllmnn. El Jamn lllckmiin, who hni been ver) nj 111 with pneumonia. Ik rapidly ron- V vnlioclng. Bjf The fnll nt Know during the luxt storm PII -nan miuli deeper In the Tooele vnlle) Hkl thnn here Ktl Mix 1nn Nelson of Tooele visits our Mtt town nnte a week now In glv Instrue- Buj tlons In murlr HH Mm. W II Hetinefer, who has been H -laltlnft relative here, ha returned tu Dj her home In Salt Lake City. Hu Minn Men da Dalton. daughter of Ed BBBHW Dalton. I confined nt St. Mark I hospital with a fevere rase n( appen- BJ The Stockton Hold Mining nnd Milling H company has thlrtj men emplo)ed ex- H trading ore The pronpects nf thin H company are very ptomlslng. H I There In tome talk of work being re- aafaeBafa! S suited on the C clone In the near fu- B m ture. The llonerlne druln tunnel has WJTV"" passed thiough thH property H' I V. W. Mulenhruth. uir1ntendnt of I the Jumbo Mining company, nce-oin- UtfW I imnled by Herman W. Home, civil en- KJX Blner. eaine out from Halt Lake City Htf Tuesday B A, F Chrlstenaeit. representing the Vfl 1a)n-Ilmnney Piano Cnmimny, enn- vased our town thl week and placed V piano In the home of Dr. I'. M. Dm Ik mr Jam H When lat we went to print we H thought nnd hoped King l'losl had re- M laxed hi Icy gntsp. hut It seem he did B so only to git n hetter hoM, as It hnn V' been no i-old n ever lately. H The many trle-nd of -Mle Dollle J Scrlbner will be pleusetl to learn of her J recover) after un npiiendlrltl opera- BBW tlon performed dome time ago She re- mk turned tn her home from the hospital H Inst Tuesday B, A tlelgh-loael or member or Slock- ton lodge No 10. I. O. O V . Wilted d '-j Ophlr lodge lat Tuesday night, nnd al- hwT. though 'twas very cold nnd the KlelRh- B liiK wne. not nn koo.1 a exerted. an en- H Jo)Hlil(. exnlnK pnwed LEHI LOCALS. Hruin I.. linker left on Hatunla) to fill a two yenrn' tnlnnlon to New Zen Inn. I Minn Jennie llromley of the tnunch Co-op hnn been temporal lly nucieedcd by Minn Miuid Webb The n hm)l truntecn have terently pur-thnnetl pur-thnnetl ii piano which In now luntalled In the Central building. Illlnn Jonen hnn returnl n lontnut to erect the new imwer-houne nt the mouth of American Fork riinun for the ITtnli County I.litht nnd I'ower company The fnrmein In tfnnpete nnd Hevler fotiutlen nre belnic vlnlleil nt prenent by Held Superintendent Parley Auntln. who In lontrmtliiK wllh them foi ntiKnr heeln |