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Show PERMANENT ARBITRATION. Question Is Finally Settled Favorably at The Hague. Tho Hague. Tho ninth plenary sitting sit-ting of tho peaco conferonco, hold on Wednesday, voted upon tho question of tho establishment of a permanent court. Thero woro thirty-eight votes In favor of tho project. Belgium, Don-mark, Don-mark, Greece, Iloumanla, Switzerland and Uruguay did not vote, and Mexico, Mex-ico, Brazil, Greece, Colombia, Salvador. Salva-dor. Persia, Guatemala, Haytl, Venezuela, Vene-zuela, San Domingo, Paraguay, Panama Pan-ama nnd Kcuador, China, Bolivia and Nicaragua voted favorably to a permanent perma-nent court, but with the reserve that euch court and the negotiations In that direction should bo conducted on tho basic principle of absoluto Judicial equality. |