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Show H mmmmm ami mwwb VARIETY OF DISHES K MANY RECIPES AND ALL OP H THEM GOOD ONES. BBB Suggestions for Savory Dishes That BBB Will Tempt the Jaded Appetites BBB of the Entire Family. BBB Cauliflower and Potato Souttle BBB Three ounces of mashed potatoes, BBB tlirro ounces of ttio white part or BBB cauliflower, hnlf ounce of butter, tlirco BBB eggs, halt tcnspoontiil salt. Brunt half BBB tenspoonful of pepper; teat the eggs BBB well, whites and yolkx separately, BBB then ndd tho potatoes, tho cauliflower, BBB chopped fine, and tho seasoning, stir BBB nil well together, then flit siiinll gruas- BBB cd shollB with tho mixture anil bako BB n n r.iodorato oven for half nn hour BBB A small hall or butter placed on the BB top will help to brown them, nnd nny BBB flavoring of chopped onion, parsley or BBB herbs are an Improvement. H A Salad of Cold Vegetables This Is nn economical naiad, ns ' It can be BBB made from whatever cold vego- BBb tables havo been left from yestor- BBH day's dinner, such as peas, string BBB beans, raullllnwor, potatoes or boots. BBb Cut them Into small pieces, then place BBA on tho Ice; when ready to serve line BBb n naiad dlsli with crisp lettuce leaves; BBB put tho cold vegetables In thosu and BBB pour over n French dressing. BBi BBB Scotch Apple Tart Peel and core BB ft half dozen tart apples and place BB In a crock In a slow oven, adding BBb neither water nor sugar. When tender BBB mix In Sultana raisins, allowing n BBB quarter of a pound to each pound of BBl apples. Turn into a deep baking dish. BBS sprinkle with sugar nnd grated lemon; BBB cover with a top crust, pricking well BB to allow for tho escape of steam, nnd BBb bake In a quick oven. Serve with BBB BBY BBb English Apple Tart Peel and core BBh tart npplcs, put Into a largo saucepan. BV cover with boiling wator; stew gently BBl until tho apples are tender, but un- BV broken. I.lno tho edges or a deep pie BBl tin with crust, then fill tho center or tho dish with apples, dropping Into BBB tho centor or each a spoonful of or- BBjfl nngo marmalade. Cover tho top or tho BBV dish with strips or pastry arranged BBB lattice rashlon nnd bako quickly until BBjB brown. Servo hot. BBa BBB Ham and Egg Loaf Chop romalns BBB of cold boiled ham, add crushed crack- BBV era and from three to six eggs, well BB beaten, according to tho amount of BBB your meat, llako In small tin, and BBB when cold It can bo sliced. BBs BBB Old-Fashloned Pumpkin Wafers A BBB recipe for pumpkin wafers has boon BB handed down In -ono household fur BBm generations. This Is tho way they aro BBB made: After preparing tho pumpkin BBm in tho usual way by paring It nnd BBWj removing tho seeds It U Bteamed un BBl til It becomes very dark, rich and BBV thick looking, thon sugar Is added to BBjj taste, and It Is cooked a second tlmo BBW In u moderately heated nvon. When BBV dry nnd thick It Is of tho right can- BBB slstcncy to bo rolled out on u floured BBB hoard, and shaped with tho tin cut- BBB ter Tho waters aro placod on plates, BBB nnd whon thoroughly dry nro wrapped BBB In oiled paper. They will keep Indefl- BBB nttoly, nnd besides being delicious for BBB nftornoon tea, a few of them dissolved BBB In milk and tho necessary Ingredients BBB added mako a homo-made pumpkin pie BBB K)sslbIo In a short tlrso. BBB. BBB Oacon and Apples Slice bacon thin BBB nnd fry It crisp. Transfor to n plutter BBB and keep It hot whllo you fry thick BBB slices of unpeolod sweot apples In tho BBB bacon fat. Whon those are tender, BBB drain nnd put In tho center of a hot BBB platter. Lay tho fried bacon about tho BBB edgo of tho dish, sprlnklo sugar over BBB tho apples and serve. BBB BJK Raisin Bread Scald a pint of milk BBB nnd beat Into It n tcaspoonful of melt- BBB ed buttor nnd ono of salt. When the BBB mixture Is lukowarm add hnlf a ycaBt BBB enko dissolved In n half cupful or hot BBB water and beat In enough flour to BBB mako a good hatter. Set In a warm BBB room to rlso for eight hours, Dent BBB hard, add ft cupful of flour and work BBB in a cupful of hnlvod and seeded rals- Bk Iiik. plentifully dredged with flour. Sot BB to rise until light; thon bako. BBB "BB Cream Sandwiches Mako nice J Miort pastry and roll It rather thin. BBB .md cut three Inches long nnd ono uud BBB nie-liRlt Inches wide, and bake In a BBB hot oven. When duno a light brown, BB liiush Ivor -vlth thu yolk or an egg; BB tut knihtwUe. nnd spread with BBa rii ry Jhui. to form n sandwich. BBB I'm hipped cream plentifully, and BBB un tho urtmm a stiff froth, mads of a BBl teaspoonful of powdered sugar and BBl' the white of an egg. sYJBTfl Cabbage and Tomato Pickle Four Br quarts of chopped rod cabbage, two BBl, quarts of chopped Green tomatoes, Br two green peppers, chopped, ono quart BBB of good older vinegar, four cupfuls of BBV sugar, ono heaping teaspoonful each BBl of clunam' llsplce, cloves, mustard. BBl and blac pepjwr. Mix nnd cook thor- BB ougbl' BBl BJi Orange Jumbles Ono pound of but- Bl tor, ono pound of sugar, two pound Bf of Hour, three eggs, Julco or two or- BHJ nngns, three teaepoonfuls of baking BB powder, pinch of salt. Roll thin, and BB bake lu a quick oven, sprinkling with BBr augur boforo baking, Do not use lluv- BJ orlng extract Instead of orange Juice, BB for tho Juice provldca Just the quautl Bf; ty or moisture to mix well. BB |