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Show CRISIS H1S BEEH AVERTED IH GOTHM BAB CIRCLES Helnze, Morse and Thomas Interesti Are Eliminated and Institutions Are Declared to be Sound. New York. At a special meeting ol Iho board of directors of tho Mercantile Mercan-tile National bank Sunday aftornoon Beth M. Mllllken was elected president presi-dent of the bank to succed V. Augustus Augus-tus Helnze, resigned. At tho same tlmo Wlllam Skinner And (lerlsh II. Mllllken were elected additional vlco presidents, (lerlsh Mllllken being added add-ed to the board of directors. Tho clearing house committee met with tho directors of tli bank and tho two Doards were In session for nboui four hours. loiter William II. Shoror, manager of the Clearing House association, asso-ciation, on behalf of tho association, gave out tho following statement; "A committee of tho cloarln? houso has examined tho several banks ot thb association that have been under criticism criti-cism nnd tlnd them solvent. Tho clearing clear-ing houso committee has decided to render them such assistance to meoi their deposits as tho commlttco may think necessary." The assurance was given by tho clearing houso commlttco that thb Helnze, Morso and Thomas Interests had been eliminated from the banking organizations of New York City ana In tho light of this fact tho clearing house association announced Its readiness readi-ness to lend all necessary aid to any of tho banks which havo been under suspicion, tho clearing house Invest! gatlon having established their solvency. sol-vency. It Is believed that this action will prevent any crisis In New York banking bank-ing circles. |