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Show SPANISH VILLAGE" WASHED M HI A CLOUDBURST Unprecedented Storms In Southern Europe Causing Death and Desolation Deso-lation Cliff Threatens to Topple Top-ple Over on Town. Paris. Southern Europo Is In ths grasp of a tteiuendous storm, accompanied accom-panied by torrential rains. This, com ing on tho heels ot unprecedented rainfalls and floods ot tho past thrco wcoks, Is causing vory great distress. Tho storm area extends from Morocco northward, over Portugal, Spain and southern Krauco. Warships oft tho African coast and tho Spanish peninsula penin-sula havo sought shelter. Tho vlllago of Olet, near Barcelona, Spain, was literally washed away by a cloudburst, and tho river Llobrcgat, Just south of Uarcclona, Is described as being a raging torrent, constantly claiming now victims. Tho city of St. Sebastian, in tho north ot Spain, has been ravaged by a hurricane. Tho recently flooded rivers in tho south of Franco aro again rising. In the department of Savolo, a groat overhanging cliff of 800 cubic meters, Is reported to bo moving nnd In Imminent Immi-nent danger of toppling ovor and crushing the vlllago of Tormory, 1,000 feet below. A dispatch from Ilrest says severol smacks havo capsized and their crows havo been drowned. |