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Show J JUST LIKE HIS POLICY. ,Tho "Mllford Times." 1 Ever Blnco he wan assistant secretary secre-tary of tho navy, Mr. Rnosovclt has shown the keenest Interest In tho naval arm of tho military establishment. establish-ment. Since ho became president ho lias moro than onco enjoyed tho hoa Ipltaltty and service of n navel vessel nnd when ho was on his way to Pan-jnrna Pan-jnrna ho familiarized himself with Jovory detail of a fighting ship, oven going so far, It will bo remembered, ns to throw a fow shovelsful of coal Into tho furnaces, a tusk which sounds simple In tho telling, but iWhlch Is attended with difficulties nono can appreclato who have not experienced tho fearful heat of a paval vessel's stoke hole when alio Ib under way. Even with tho ahlp lying ly-ing nt anchor nnd nothing fired up but tho boilers of some donkey-en-j-lno tho hent Is sufficient to cause tho unaccustomed visitor to faint If he remains thero more than a moment mo-ment or two, and to indulge Jti so Htrcnuous an exertion, under such conditions, as to throw coal from tho great scoop shovots Into the fireboxes, fire-boxes, a eyond tho energy of a citizen cit-izen less strenuous than tho president. |