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Show FIQHT FOR ISLANDS. j Spirited Legal Clash May Occur Be- I tween Mexico and United States. Mexico City. Tho disputed owner- 9 ship of gulf Islands off tho Yucatan I coast worth $70,000,000, gives promise I of n spirited clash between tho Unit- I ed States and the Mexican govcrti- I mont. Tho heirs of J. W. Taylor, do- ceased, claim to havo acquired full ' tltlo from Pasqualn Qulnan, who held tho Islands by right of discovery. Tho Mexican government claims that tho property Is its territory,' Tho islands In question aro tho Areas Keys, the' 4 largest of which Is ono nnd ono-fourtb miles long nnd about three-fourths of ' I a tnllo wide. Thoy aro located eighty- "r two miles off Yucatan, and although tho lslanda themselves nro nothing "'' moro than masses of rock, they nro 7 rich In guano deposits, which Pro- ' fecsor Hndley of Yale un'Verslty estl- matnd at 30,000,000 tonB. j |