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Show 1 HAD LISTENED TO Da6dY,v I i Force of Example Exemplified In Pro- f coclous Youngster. 1 ' I I Thero Is a certain man living not far from Now York whoso temper 1 not ot tho longest, and when ho feels that his rngo Is Justifiable he Is vejy npt to Indulgo In fluent, versatile and varied profanity. And It Is whon using tho tolephono that this talent of his Is seen and heard at Its maximum ot speed and endurance Central has but to say "Wire busy now," or, "Doesn't answor" an-swor" to ovoku a flood of language. Ono day ho had been having an unusually un-usually stormy session, and did not notlco that his two-year-old son was sitting In a corner of tho room, bis faco rnpt and absorbed. A fow hours lator tho child's mother camo in and was horrified boyond words to hear her baby giving volco to a stream of oxplotlves, somo of which began with n very largo capital D tho rest with a variety of letters qulto unmontlon-nblo unmontlon-nblo In this connection. She descended upon him in righteous wrath. "Don't you over let mo hear you uso such words again," sho said in no uncertain tones. "Why, mother," expostulated tho baby In an Injured voice, "I'm telephoning tele-phoning I" |