OCR Text |
Show , p.'iau; -" T : -i, FRATERNAL SOCIETIES OF MER- Meetings.;. if,,)nday evening Resolute .Ix)dgo W?0,.IC of P.,KarIKlluBer(, C. C. TJogteo W. P.; Rlchnrd Dnnlols, Sec. Wednesday evening .Mercur Lodgo No. i'5, I. O. O. V., T. H. Franklin, N G.. W. T. JannOly, Sec. Thursday evening Masonic, Oeo. Hurlburt, W. C; D, U Underwood, Sec. Frldoy evening Bi-monthly, I. o. T. M.. Mrs. II. Rlttor, Com.; Mra. Addle Ad-dle Bracken, Jr. Com.; Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Rec. Keeper. Friday evening Bi-monthly, DaughtorB of Robokah, Mrs. Parley Pratt, N. G.; Mrs. Helena B. Evnns, Sec. Saturday ovcnlng Itnllan Society Sunday evening Western Pod. of Minors, John Barrett, Pros.; II. II. Dunleavy, Sec. |